Okay, i’m having some trouble deciding a name for my little one on the way.
[name]Ever[/name] since the summer before my 7th Grade year, I have been planning for three children, & planning their names. I even had my Husband picked out, not that I honestly thought I would marry him, but ironically, I did, & he makes me very happy(:.
I always wanted a son first, because I had a big brother growing up, & he taought me sooo much as I was growing, I wanted my daughters to do have the same luxiory. I got that little wish. [name]Just[/name] as I had planned sooo long ago, I named my little boy [name]Noah[/name] [name]Blake[/name]. I’ve been in lone with that name since I was 12, & I’m in love with it now!
Two years later, we had a baby girl(: She’s a wonderful daughter. She’ makes straight A’s, she has a lot of friends, & she’s very beautiful. I’m so proud of her. Now, in seventh grade, I absolutly HATED my middle name. My mother named me [name]Madison[/name] [name]Jennings[/name]. Terrible name-and it was after my GRANDFATHER! Really mom? Anyway, that’s what got me planning. I wanted my daughters to love their names, & I definatly didn’t want boring names, or common names. I picked [name]Isabella[/name] [name]Claire[/name]. She goes by [name]Claire[/name], & justed as I hoped; she loves her name. [name]Claire[/name] is femanine, not frilly, & that fits her very well.
Three years later, we decided to have one more baby. [name]Just[/name] as I’ve dreamed my whole life, it was a girl. [name]Alexandria[/name] [name]Khloe[/name]’, [name]Lexie[/name] for short. I thought [name]Claire[/name] & [name]Lexie[/name] went great together as sister names, as well as [name]Noah[/name] as their big brother(: They are ideal children. Their all honor roll students, they all get along well with others, & their beautiful children.
My husband and I were so happy. We make a great family, & I love them all with my whole heart. Obviously, especially my Husband, because almost 9 months ago, we discovered a new one was on the way(: I never planned for another one, & I never planned a name. I’m excited as can be, but I’m starting to get worried! Help!!
I’ve decided the first name- [name]Laylah[/name]. [name]Laylah[/name] [name]Marie[/name] sounds almost perfect, but I think [name]Marie[/name] is toooo common. And I want my children to be the opposite of common. Also, I’m from [name]Dallas[/name], & I’ve got a very thick southern accent. I don’t sound like a hilbilly, I’m a Southern [name]Belle[/name]. So, all my childrens name’s just sound right when I say them. [name]Laylah[/name] is definant, & sounds perfect, I just need a Middle Name.
Please Help Me!!
** [name]Noah[/name] is almost 14 years old, [name]Claire[/name] is 11, & [name]Lexie[/name] is 8.