1st Boy after 4 Girls

My wife and I have 4 daughters and have been very confident in each of the names we have chosen for them. However, we are 2 weeks away from our son’s due date and are having a difficult time finding something we really love. My front runners right now are [name]Foster[/name], [name]Julian[/name], [name]Smith[/name] and [name]Rivers[/name]. She really, really wants to name him [name]Jude[/name], but I just don’t think I can do it. It just doesn’t sound like a first name. I could easily use it as a middle name. She also loves [name]Sutton[/name] but that one is definitely out for me.

We both like [name]Monroe[/name], but we aren’t sold on it yet. It looks good on paper but I’m not sure I can see myself actually saying it/calling him that. I also like the name [name]Rufus[/name]; is that crazy? [name]Locke[/name] is under consideration as well.

Anyhow, I would welcome any suggestions or feedback. Thanks in advance!

Oh, and our last name is a 3 syllable mouthful that ends in ORD, if that helps.

My favorite from your list is most definitely [name]Julian[/name]. You could nickname him [name]Jules[/name] (like [name]Jules[/name] [name]Verne[/name]) so your wife could have her monosyllabic JU name. I love [name]Rufus[/name] too, but if your wife is resistant, it’s probably for good reason. These days it’s mostly a hipster/dog name.
[name]Foster[/name], [name]Smith[/name], [name]Rivers[/name], and [name]Sutton[/name] are all surname names that I dislike. They feel too rigid/ butler-ish to me. [name]Monroe[/name], inexplicably, seems to be going to the girls. Perhaps because of [name]Marilyn[/name]. As a middle it could add a little presidential flair. I could get behind:

[name]Julian[/name] [name]Monroe[/name] or [name]Jude[/name] [name]Monroe[/name]
[name]River[/name] [name]Sutton[/name] (but not [name]Rivers[/name])
[name]Julian[/name] [name]River[/name]
[name]Locke[/name] [name]Monroe[/name]

I really like [name]Jude[/name], but with a “3 syllable mouthful” surname that I’m going to pretend is Haverford, I think [name]Jude[/name] might be too delicate.
Of the names you have listed I really like [name]Foster[/name] and [name]Rufus[/name].
They’re both great names, strong enough to stand up to “Haverford.” I also really like [name]Monroe[/name].
I think [name]Smith[/name] and [name]Locke[/name] have the same problem as [name]Jude[/name] in addition to them being pretty common surnames. [name]Julian[/name] and [name]Rivers[/name] are ok. I’m not a big fan of [name]Julian[/name], but it’s the only name on your list (aside from [name]Rufus[/name]) that’s an actual first name.

In order of preference, I like:

  1. [name]Rufus[/name]
  2. [name]Monroe[/name]
  3. [name]Foster[/name]

I like [name]Jude[/name] or [name]Julian[/name]. [name]Monroe[/name] has gone to the girls, imo. [name]Foster[/name] is okay, but [name]Smith[/name], [name]Locke[/name], [name]Rivers[/name] and [name]Sutton[/name] are surname names that I really don’t like. What about just [name]River[/name]?

I like [name]Julian[/name]. You could use [name]Jules[/name] or [name]Jude[/name] as a nickname, so both of you would be happy. I think [name]Rufus[/name] has gone to the dogs, sorry.

I tend to agree with previous comments about the surname sounding options on your list, and [name]Monroe[/name] as well.

From all the names you have listed, I have to say I like [name]Jude[/name] or [name]Julian[/name] best.

What are your girls’ names? We might be able to come up with some other ideas that might go well with them…

I know a little boy called [name]Rufus[/name] and i totally didnt thonk of dogs at all and it suits him well but maybe thats just me. I agree with the last name thing too. [name]Monroe[/name] defo goes to girls now [name]Julian[/name] nn jude works well and you do both win as already said. And i too agree with [name]River[/name] rather than rivers but still feels like it should be a middle name so i would go with julian [name]River[/name].

I do like [name]Locke[/name] but again as a middle name so maybe [name]Rufus[/name] [name]Locke[/name]?

  1. [name]Julian[/name] [name]River[/name] …ord
  2. [name]Rufus[/name] [name]Locke[/name]…ord

I know two baby boys named [name]Monroe[/name]. It has not gone to the girls completely.
IMHO it would be a great choice. My favorites
Would be:

  1. [name]Julian[/name] [name]Monroe[/name]
  2. [name]Monroe[/name] [name]Rivers[/name]
  3. [name]Locke[/name] [name]Monroe[/name]
  4. [name]Rivers[/name] [name]Jude[/name]

That’s funny because I have always said that my last name is butler-ish, especially if said with a British accent. Fortunately I think that [name]Foster[/name], [name]Smith[/name], [name]Rivers[/name] and [name]Sutton[/name] are all off the list now.

We have a Raavyn, [name]Reeves[/name], [name]Sloane[/name] and [name]West[/name].

We both like [name]Rufus[/name] but don’t think it is going to work for us. Although if my wife changed her mind I could probably get crazy and go for it. I think [name]Monroe[/name] is out as well.

I appreciate all of the suggestions about using [name]Julian[/name] as the given name and [name]Jude[/name] as the nn. We are both feeling pretty good about that. We will discuss it some more. Thanks!

[name]Jude[/name] is my favourite from your options. I like [name]Smith[/name] too but I think this only works with very few surnames.

Good luck!

I also like [name]Julian[/name] and [name]Jude[/name]. [name]Monroe[/name] is surname/feminine right now thanks to [name]Mariah[/name] [name]Carey[/name]. The others are just out and out too surnamey for me. And [name]Rufus[/name] is a dogs name.(lots of berries love it, but it makes me cringe).

[name]Jude[/name] is nice but I think you need something more out there like your girls names.
My little girl is [name]Eden[/name] and my little boy is [name]Cohen[/name], I feel like if I have another it will have to end in en!

Here’s a few different suggestions

[name]Julian[/name] would be my pick from your list. Here are some others that came to mind:


With Raavyn, Reeves, Sloane, and West…
Snider or Snyder
Frazier (I think this would be fun!)

I like the suggestion of [name]Baxter[/name]- it is a great name! [name]Cole[/name] would also go well with your daughters’ names.

Other ideas:


Hmm…I still think [name]Baxter[/name] is a winner!

Good luck!