2 girls + a boy šŸ»

Baby number three on the way! We donā€™t know gender yet but will find out in about a month. I like to obsess over names for as long as possible though, naturally :tipping_hand_woman:t4:

My fav name is Ott0. It sounds so sweet with our girlsā€™ names, too. My husband isnā€™t sold on account of the fact that we distantly know a couple whoā€™ve used it :roll_eyes: so Iā€™m throwing out some of the names from our list that he is in favour of to get some feelers.

We have two daughters, Leni and Ru. Thoughts on the following boy namesā€¦.

This has been on our list since our first pregnancy. I think itā€™s such a lovely name. Iā€™m not usually into biblical names, as they donā€™t really fit our style, but I love the short, modern feel of this name, regardless of its history. While it is a strong name, something about it feels soft and beautiful, too. Iā€™ve actually asked to use it for our girls before because Iā€™m just very drawn to it.

Ok Iā€™ve done some digging and thereā€™s been some big Berry feels around this name- by which I mean, people cannot get past Hanes the underwear brand association lol. I live in Canada where that brand wasnā€™t really as big. Regardless, my husband and I donā€™t feel itā€™s a good enough reason to not consider it. I mean we are naming kids Tesla, Dallas, Calvin, Chanelā€¦ I donā€™t think these things matter so much. Also underwear is underwear. Itā€™s not the name of a toilet brand lol.
I met someone at the park who used this name for their son and was immediately obsessed. Came home and told my husband and he loved it right away, which says a lot for him. We think itā€™s really handsome and pleasantly unique. Spelling tbdā€¦ Haines, Haynes, Hanes. I prefer the latter for the tidy look but realize thatā€™s the same as the brand.

Pronounced Ze-ver, a variation of Xavier. A really beautiful name. Iā€™m drawn to ā€œZā€ sounds in names and similarly to Abel, I find this name to be strong but also somehow soft. My husband doesnā€™t love this one as much as the others but he still approves. My family is from Barcelona so I always appreciate Spanish names.

This has also been on our list since our first pregnancy. Super rare name, pronounced Ay-fee. We discovered it as Afie Jurvanen is the lead singer of a fav band of ours.
I love names with a FF sounds, especially for girls. We love that this name is so undiscovered and double points for it having some context and significance to us.

We like them all. Which do you think fits in best with our girls?

Leni, Ru and Abel
Leni, Ru and Hanes
Leni, Ru and Xever
Leni, Ru and Afie


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I love [name_m]Abel[/name_m]! Trim and stylish, like your girlsā€™ names.

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Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I like [name_m]Abel[/name_m] or [name_m]Xever[/name_m] best. [name_m]Abel[/name_m] warms up your set a bit, while [name_m]Xever[/name_m] makes it more punchy. I actually know a little [name_m]Haines[/name_m], which works well on him, but I donā€™t love it with your girls. Afie is intriguing, but also reminds me of aphids. Iā€™m picturing a childrenā€™s book character called Afie the Aphid or something lol. It could grow on me.

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You should pitch Afie the Aphid to a publisher :joy:

Nice to know there are other Hainesā€™ out there! Thanks for your shares :slight_smile:

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I think [name_m]Abel[/name_m] fits really well! Itā€™s shorter and very sweet. Great pairing with [name_f]Leni[/name_f], Ru, and [name_m]Abel[/name_m]

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[name_f]Leni[/name_f], Ru and [name_m]Abel[/name_m] sound amazing together! [name_m]Otto[/name_m] would be a wonderful addition too!
From your previous posts, [name_u]Arlo[/name_u], [name_u]Olly[/name_u] and [name_m]Coen[/name_m] would be interesting for a boy.

[name_u]Paz[/name_u] or [name_u]Pax[/name_u]
[name_u]Jonah[/name_u] or [name_m]Jonas[/name_m]
[name_u]Ames[/name_u] or [name_u]Amos[/name_u]
[name_m]Italo[/name_m] or Icaro

Thank you so much :speak_no_evil::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: sometimes I get moments of insecurity with Ruā€™s name because peopleā€™s responses are usually, ā€œInteresting. Oh thatā€™s new.ā€ And it seems so odd to have a first name be just two letters. But something about it initially really worked and Iā€™ve just leaned into it. Thanks for the lovely compliment. And for your thoughts on [name_m]Abel[/name_m]! :heart:

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my favourite from your list is afie! i also discovered it through afie jurvanen! i think leni, ru & afie would make such cute siblings and it has the same sort of feel to me as leni & ru do- fun, offbeat and punchy :sun_with_face:

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Thank you! Itā€™s such a sweet one! And Afie Jurvanen defs makes it look good :heart_eyes:

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[name_u]Love[/name_u] 0tt0 - but since youā€™ve both got to be happy, I think youā€™ve got some other great choices!

[name_m]Abel[/name_m] - a lovely option! Warm and gentle but with strength too - I like the ā€˜almost-wordā€™ vibe of it too - so itā€™s almost got two meaning - able and breath!

[name_m]Haines[/name_m] - never actually heard of the brand so :person_shrugging: While itā€™s not my favourite sound, the surname-y, slightly edgy feel of it fits with L and R

[name_m]Xever[/name_m] - intriguing - never come across this one - it gives the international vibe of [name_f]Leni[/name_f] and the contemporary feel of Ru too

Afie - I do think people would confuse it with more popular [name_u]Alfie[/name_u] at first glance, but it is an arty, musical name!

I like Afie and [name_m]Abel[/name_m] best for you, I think - but [name_m]Xever[/name_m] could grow on me some more too!

They might not, but the names [name_m]Otso[/name_m], [name_m]Orson[/name_m], [name_m]Ansel[/name_m], [name_u]Blaise[/name_u], [name_u]Blaine[/name_u], [name_m]Artan[/name_m], [name_u]Darby[/name_u], Tase, [name_m]Kelso[/name_m], reminded me of yours

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[name_m]Ansel[/name_m] is a fav of mine!!! I forgot about it actually but had mentioned it awhile ago to my husband. You know me well :smirk:šŸ©·

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[name_f]My[/name_f] favorite is [name_m]Abel[/name_m], I like that it is simple yet has a strength to it. I also like that although it is obviously a bible name, it is not an overused bible name plus, it goes well with your daughterā€™s names.
[name_m]Hanes[/name_m] is ok, I prefer [name_u]Hayes[/name_u] or even [name_m]Hank[/name_m] over [name_m]Hanes[/name_m] but itā€™s not horrible or anything, Iā€™m just not liking the sound of it for some reason.
[name_m]Xever[/name_m] is interesting, Iā€™ve never heard it before. I like the Z sound in guy names too. The pronunciation may not be as obvious for some, so you may have to constantly tell people how to say it but it shouldnā€™t be a big deal. I like [name_m]Xavian[/name_m] and [name_m]Xander[/name_m] as well.
Afie is my least favorite, I wouldnā€™t know how to pronounce it unless you provided it. Maybe [name_m]Archie[/name_m]?
Best of luck to you!

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[name_u]Albie[/name_u] comes to mind for you as it seems to fit between [name_u]Alfie[/name_u] and [name_m]Abel[/name_m] and Oscar/Ossie which reminds me of an [name_m]Otto[/name_m]. I love [name_m]Hanes[/name_m] (but slightly prefer the [name_m]Haines[/name_m] spelling), you have a great list.

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I really like Afie! Very sweet and handsome.

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