2 Name Questions

Is [name]Francis[/name] to feminine, especially with my boys list? My DH has decided that he no longer likes [name]Franklin[/name] and can only think of the turtle. He said he would consider [name]Franklin[/name] for a MN but not a FN. He really likes the name [name]Frank[/name] but I don’t like [name]Frank[/name] as a full name, but I am fine with it as a NN. [name]Francis[/name] is our next best choice. What does everyone think of [name]Francis[/name]?

He has also taken a real shine to the NN [name]Jake[/name]. We both really do not like [name]Jacob[/name] or [name]Jacoby[/name] for our own child. We like to hear the names but not for a son of ours. Is there any other way to get to [name]Jake[/name] besides these two?

I know a guy who used to go by [name]Jake[/name] who is a [name]Jericho[/name]. He goes by [name]Jericho[/name] outright now, but used [name]Jake[/name] for the first 15-18 years of his life.

[name]Frank[/name] as a NN for [name]Francis[/name] is fine but I’d be surprised if he didn’t go by [name]Frank[/name] 99.9% of the time.

I like [name]Francis[/name] okay as a MN… it just seems classic there. But I can’t imagine a little boy with the name [name]Francis[/name] now… it’s not that it sounds feminine (completely, although, it kind of does)–it sounds a bit geeky, too… [name]Francis[/name] feels completely usable as a MN, but not really as a FN to me. :frowning:

Hmm, I think my sister has been thinking about just [name]Jake[/name] (which doesn’t appeal to me, haha). Other than that, maybe [name]Jacques[/name]? That’s all I can think of…

[name]Francis[/name] always makes me think of [name]Frank[/name] Sinatra, so I don’t think it’s feminine at all. It’s [name]Frankie[/name], [name]Ol[/name]’ [name]Blue[/name] Eyes… who could see him as feminine? That’s just my silly mind, though.

[name]Jake[/name] can also be used for [name]Jock[/name], [name]Coby[/name]/[name]Koby[/name] ([name]Jacoby[/name] without having to use the name)
Joaqiun (Bit of a leap, but maybe)

Would you consider using an international form of [name]Jacob[/name]?


I definitly think girl when I hear [name]Francis[/name]. I agree with a PP that it sounds geeky as well. I think [name]Jake[/name] is fine on its own, but I also like the idea of [name]Jericho[/name] nn [name]Jake[/name].

I went to school with a [name]James[/name] nn [name]Jake[/name], which I like. I also think of [name]Frank[/name] Sinatra when the name [name]Francis[/name] is said. He’s an excellent namesake, in my opinion. :slight_smile:

What about [name]Giacomo[/name] or Jacobin?

what about [name]Francisco[/name] to get frank… i know it is quite “latino” but i always think of san francisco too!

I actually prefer [name]Francis[/name] on a little boy than a girl, and think it would be great to see. It would be fine with your other top boys names too!

Would [name]Jackson[/name] nn [name]Jake[/name] be weird? I know [name]Jackson[/name] would normally be [name]Jack[/name] but I don’t think it’s too much of a streth if you wanted it to work?