You can do as many or few years as you’d like. I just wrote 20 just because. It can be 5, 10, 12, 50, whatever. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] you have fun!
LN: Your Choice
You choose the gender of the partners.
Use the dice to determine what happens each year. First roll a 6 sided dice to determine the section then whatever is specified within the section.
1 - [name_m]Job[/name_m] Related, roll an 8 sided dice for this section.
1.1 - You or your SO got a promotion!
1.2 - You or your SO lost your job. [name_m]How[/name_m] will this effect your family?
1.3 - You or your SO decided to quit your job. Why?
1.4 - You or your SO got a raise! What will you do with your increased funds?
1.5 - You or your SO decide to change jobs. What job will you/SO change to?
1.6 - You or your SO get fired. What happened? Was it fair? What will become of this?
1.7 - You or your SO get transferred within the company. [name_m]How[/name_m] does this effect your family?
1.8 - You or your SO get a raise! What will you do with the increase in funds?
2 - Health Related, roll a 6 sided dice for this section.
2.1 - You or your SO get a serious injury. What happened? [name_m]How[/name_m] will it effect you in the long run?
2.2 - You, your SO, or a child discover you’re/they’re neurodivergent {autistic, ADHD, etc}! [name_f]Do[/name_f] you celebrate upon learning or need time to acclimate?
2.3 - You discover you, your SO, or your child have a chronic health condition. What is it?
2.4 - A loved one passes away due to a health condition. Who is it? What happened? [name_m]How[/name_m] does your family or SO support you?
2.5 - You, your SO, or your child are involved in an accident and become permanently disabled. What happened?
2.6 - You, your SO, or your child discover you have an allergy. What is it? [name_m]How[/name_m] does it effect you/ their life?
3 - [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Related, roll a 20 sided dice for this section. (You chose whether it’s via birth/ IVF/ IUI, adoption, foster care, etc)
3.1 - Congrats! It’s a boy!
3.2 - Congrats! It’s a girl!
3.3 - Congrats! It’s B/B twins!
3.4 - Condolences, you’ve lost the baby.
3.5 - Congrats! It’s a girl!
3.6 - Congrats! It’s a boy!
3.7 - Congrats! It’s G/G twins!
3.8 - Congrats! It’s a girl!
3.9 - Congrats! It’s triplets! (you pick sex)
3.10 - Congrats! It’s a girl!
3.11 - Congrats! It’s a boy!
3.12 - Congrats! It’s a boy!
3.13 - Congrats! It’s G/B twins!
3.14 - Congrats! It’s a girl!
3.15 - Congrats! It’s G/G twins!
3.16 - Congrats! It’s quadruplets! (you pick sex)
3.17 - Condolences, you’ve lost the baby.
3.19 - Congrats! It’s B/G twins!
3.20 - Congrats! It’s a girl!
4 - Moving Related, roll an 8 sided dice for this section.
4.1 You’re moving across town.
4.2 You’re moving to a new city within your state.
4.3 - You’re moving to a new state within your country.
4.4 - You’re moving across town.
4.5 - You’re moving to a new country.
4.6 - You’re moving to a new city within your state.
4.7 - You’re moving across town.
4.8 - You’re moving to a new state within your country.
5 - Family Matters, roll a 6 sided dice for this section.
5.1 - A relative moves in with you. Why? For how long?
5.2 - You and your SO begin having relationship difficulties. Why? What happens? [name_m]Will[/name_m] you two pull through or will you divorce?
5.3 - You decide to enroll your child/ children in a new school. Why? Did something happen? (if no children, roll again)
5.4 - A family member has passed away, leaving behind children. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the dice to determine how many children are left behind (your choice on what sided dice). [name_m]Roll[/name_m] again to determine their sex with odd being male and even being female.
5.5 - You and your SO decide to open up your relationship. What will this look like to you? Swinging? Polyamory? Is this short lived or long term? [name_m]Will[/name_m] they move in and become a part of the family or will this be entirely private?
5.6 - Something occurs with either your sibling or your sibling-in-law (you chose) resulting in the children staying with you for the summer. What are their names and ages? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] for how many (you chose how many sided dice) and roll for sex, with odd being male and even being female.
6 - Misc, roll an 8 sided dice for this section.
6.1 - You’re adopting a pet into the family! What kind of pet? What’s their name?
6.2 - You or your SO get a new car! What kind of car?
6.3 - You and your SO decide to renovate your home! Which room and what do you do?
6.4 - You or you SO decide to go back to school! What degree are they working towards?
6.5 - Family vacation! Where do you go? [name_f]Do[/name_f] the kids come with (if you have any)?
6.6 - Someone gets pregnant accidentally if you have a child over 15, it’s the child. If not, it’s you! You chose the sex and whether it’s mutliples or single.
6.7 - You or your SO win a contest! What do you win?
6.8 - You or your SO inherit something from a family member who passed away. What is it?