first part - Caf using randomly generated names on btn
adsila - blossom
asra - night traveller
avis - bird
camilla - perfect, young attendant
dominic - of the lord
duke - leader
edmée - rich protection
eurydike - wide justice
fabiana - bean grower
finbar - fair hair
gauri - white
gwyneth - white, fair, blessed
helene - shining light
hjalmar - helmeted warrior
ingrid - beautiful, loved
jos - he will add
liese - my god is my oath
lumi - snow
magni - mighty, strong
mari - sea of bitterness
mihajlo - who is like god
muirne - festive
nell - light
oneida - standing rock
ophélie - help, advantage
phanuel - facing god
sashka - defender
savitri - relating to the sun
shoshannah - lily
sigmund - victorious protector
silas - wood, forest
simon - he has heard
sven - boy
xanti - saint james
zahir - helper, supporter
dw: gwyneth, shoshannah, adsila, muirne, ingrid, oneida, lumi
dw: eurydike, asra, liese, nell, gauri, ophélie, sashka
ds: simon, zahir, mihajlo, jos, dominic, finbar, magni,
dd: camilla, helene, savitri, edmée, avis, mari, fabiana
ds: duke, phanuel, sven, silas, sigmund, hjelmar, xanti