Hello all! Now that we’re on the third boy, I’m really having a hard time with names! I fell in love with [name]Grady[/name] for my oldest and never looked back. With our second, we picked [name]Mason[/name] while I was in labor, which I’ve liked since I was a kid, but now have some regrets because of how popular it is (he is almost 3, so I guess we named him right before the peak?) With this baby, we would like to avoid something in the top 50, but are not hard and fast about it.
The contenders right now:
[name]Marshall[/name] (his top pick)
[name]Noah[/name] (my top pick, though I see it is quite popular now!)
[name]Tanner[/name] (too 1990’s??)
[name]Logan[/name] (way too popular?)
Sousa is our last name.
What do you think? I’m afraid if we go with [name]Marshall[/name] that kids will call him Marshmallow all the time–what if he’s chubby and gets a major complex?! LOL But if we go with [name]Noah[/name], will I regret using a name that’s so popular right now?
Im not a fan of [name]Marshall[/name], [name]Tanner[/name] or [name]Logan[/name]…
I also [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Noah[/name] but its way too popular for my liking ( at least where I live)… Popularity can change city to city or by state and province…
My ds is [name]Josef[/name] and We only know one other under the agre of 25… most are about 80! It’s not even top 50 in my province… lol! But in the US it is in the top 10 I believe!
Maybe [name]Noah[/name] isnt as popular in your immediate area???
What about…
[name]Nolan[/name], [name]Isaiah[/name] or [name]Elijah[/name] instead or [name]Noah[/name]?
[name]Finnegan[/name] or [name]Sullivan[/name] instead of [name]Logan[/name]?
[name]Conall[/name], [name]Neal[/name],or [name]Marsden[/name] instead of [name]Marshall[/name]?
[name]Connor[/name] instead of [name]Tanner[/name]?
what are some other names you like… ( boys or girls) Might help to give more suggestions!
I like [name]Marshall[/name] the best of your pics and think it goes well with your sibset. [name]Noah[/name] and [name]Logan[/name] may be too popular and [name]Tanner[/name] strikes me as 90s-ish (now that you pointed it out). I’m not super concerned about the Marshmallow nickname and kids will always come up with something.
I also really like the [name]Nolan[/name] suggetion for you. Or [name]Beckett[/name], [name]Bennett[/name], or [name]Donovan[/name].
I think you should go with [name]Tanner[/name] because its not super popular but at the same time not to unique.
[name]Grady[/name] & [name]Mason[/name] & [name]Tanner[/name]
They all go so nicely together!
If your still not sure here are some more options:
[name]Grady[/name] and [name]Mason[/name] were both on my short list. Here are some other names I like that might appeal to you too since we have similar taste -
[name]Grady[/name] and [name]Mason[/name] are well-matched: nice, masculine 2-syllable names, each with their own starting and ending sound.
The best choice from your list is [name]Noah[/name]-- fits the criteria above, and remains distinctive while blending in with his brothers’ names. However, if you’re worried about popularity (as a mother of a [name]Mason[/name], it’s perfectly reasonable) then [name]Noah[/name] might not be the way to go. What would you think of [name]Jonah[/name] or [name]Asher[/name]? [name]Asher[/name] in particular seems like it would really work for your family.