Another CAF with rules and occupations! As always, feel free to add appearances and biographies if you like, do as much or as little as you want. Enjoy!
LN: starts with Mc-
DH(78): FN is in the US top 20 // MN is your choice [occupation: electrician, boiler fitter, folk singer, police officer, fisherman]
DW(deceased, would be 68): FN is associated with royalty // MN is your choice (maiden: a bank) [occupation: lunchtime supervisor, musician, university lecturer, air stewardess, housewife]
DD1(45): FN begins with same letter as mother’s FN // MN is a classic name [occupation: art teacher, TV runner, dancer, dog breeder, matchmaker]
DS(43): FN is a Pope’s name // MN ends in -el [occupation: town councillor, drama teacher, solicitor, life coach, train driver]
DD2(41): FN has a floral meaning // MN is a classic name [occupation: acting coach, historian, baker, taxi driver, radio presenter]
DH(48): FN was popular in the 1940s // MN is masculine form of wife’s MN (LN: Scottish) [occupation: welder, fishmonger, kitchen porter, furniture maker, painter/decorator]
DD1(27): FN is top 10 in Northern [name_u]Ireland[/name_u] // MN has a seasonal meaning [occupation: radio DJ, model, television presenter, author, singer]
DH(32): FN was used by several [name_f]English[/name_f] kings // MN is 4 letters (LN: ends in -hart) [occupation: actor, athlete, activist, language teacher, farmer]
DS1(5): FN appears in the Hebrew Bible // MN is grandfather’s FN
DS2(4): FN is a [name_u]Harry[/name_u] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] character // MN is great-grandfather’s FN
DS3(1): FN is a character in a popular musical // MN is a [name_u]Harry[/name_u] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] character
DD2(22): FN is a Shakespearean character // MN appears in a song title [occupation: charity fundraiser, events planner, air stewardess, stay-at-home mum, genealogist]
DH(30): FN starts and ends with the same letter // MN is popular around [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] (LN is a two syllable first name) [occupation: jazz musician, playwright, telemarketer, mechanic, lifeguard]
DS1(4): FN contains two sets of double letters // MN is cousin (DS3)'s FN
DS2(exp): FN is Irish // MN is your choice
DW(38): FN means light // MN means lady (maiden: religious title) [occupation: journalist, actress, secretary, kitchen porter, dressmaker]
DD1(22): FN is a top 100 name falling in popularity // MN is 4 letters [occupation: cleaner, agony aunt, housewife, cashier, [name_f]English[/name_f] teacher]
DH(21): FN has an unknown meaning // MN1 is 4 letters long // MN2 is a surname name (LN: an occupation name) [occupation: inventor, car salesman, shelf stacker, tailor, bank teller]
DS1/DS2(5): FN is one of the 12 Disciples in Christianity // MN is one of the 12 sons of [name_m]Jacob[/name_m] in Judaism //// FN is a Scottish king // MN is one of the 12 Disciples in Christianity
DS(20): FN ends in -us // MN is in the Australian top 10 [occupation: podium dancer, oil rigger, ski instructor, law student, organist]
DD2(20): FN is a nickname name popular on Nameberry // MN is a flower [occupation: drama student, history student, primary school teacher, artist, maths student]
DD3(19): FN is a plant name // MN is in Greek mythology [occupation: art history student, tour guide, childminder, activist, model]
DW(42): FN is one of [name_u]Henry[/name_u] VIII’s wives // MN is associated with British literature (LN is a shade of green) [occupation: relationship counsellor, receptionist, phlebotomist, journalist, science teacher]