I have had 3 boys. Each pregnancy I was low and gained only in my belly. I am an avid exerciser 1-1 and a half hours a day 6 days a week and eat very healthy wih an occasional cookie everyday. This time I am gaining everywhere,especially in my hip,bottom and waist. I am carrying high. We could have found out gender,but opted to wait. Does this sound like anyone else who had a girl,just curious.
All of my pregnancies have been extremely different and I have all boys. But good luck to you if you are hoping for a girl:)
I’ve never heard any scientific evidence that backs up this theory. From my experience with friend’s pregnancies, they’re all different and there’s no rhyme or reason behind it. [name]One[/name] of my friends has 2 boys and 1 girl and she looked exactly the same with each pregnancy. Everyone is telling my best friend that she’s having a girl because she’s carrying high and is craving sweets. I guess we’ll see soon.
I think all pregnancies carry differently so it’s still 50/50.
Could be a girl, could be a boy.
I’m having a girl, carrying all in belly and high. Other than carrying high, I’ve blown every other old wives tale out of the water so far…craved salty foods initially, minimal nausea, skin improved, several dreams about having a boy, etc… it’s fun to speculate, but it all comes back to a 50/50 shot. I hope you get your girl if that’s what you’re hoping for this time around.
I carried all my pgs the same, all in front. My DD was a big smaller and tighter but otherwise I carried the same as my boys. I craved ice cream and gummy sweeties with all of them. My morning sickness was basically the same except with DD I went off wet foods in the first trimester. It’s all nonsense [name]IMO[/name].
I gained more quickly with my 4th pregnancy and assume it was because it was my 4th pregnancy … and I was also a little older. Mine are all girls and I noticed slight differences with each pregnancy.
[name]Both[/name] of my pregnancies have been similar, though we haven’t found out the gender of this baby.
Similar to my first pregnancy, I started getting morning sickness at around the 6-7 week mark and continued to have it for the duration of the pregnancy. Time will tell whether it eases of early this time, or if I still have it leading up to delivery, like last time!
I’m carrying very, very low, similar to my previous pregnancy as well. It’ll be interesting to see whether baby turns out to be a boy or girl.
My 2nd pregnancy (first girl) was very different from the others. I did have another girl, and because of my symptoms being like the boys I had it in my head that I was having a boy. (Found out her gender at birth) Having been pregnant enough times with both genders, the only symptom that had been the same for my girls was that I got horrible acne. Skin was super clear with all my boys, that “glow” you hear about, lol. My dad is actually a dermatologist and I asked him and he said like most pregnancy symptoms its probably related to hormones, so who knows.