5 weeks pregnant and so afraid

I found out on Thursday that I am 5 weeks pregnant!

Me and my fiance are overjoyed. We were planning on trying for a baby next summer after we marry but have not been using protection as I was diagnosed last year with PCOS and had the hormone levels of a woman going through the menopause (I was 25)

We were told that in order to conceive I would need help, and that they would need to start me on chlomid as a first step when we wanted to get pregnant.

I feel like the luckiest woman alive, but I am so scared. It doesn’t feel real. I have no morning sickness, I don’t feel tired, my boobs are a tiny bit sore, but no more than they usually are before I get my period. My HCG level is 2570 and my progesterone is 90. My Dr said my levels are great and that they have no concerns, but why don’t I have more symptoms? I have my first ultrasound in the beginning of [name_u]December[/name_u]. Maybe i’ll feel more relaxed when I hear the heartbeat.

So basically I am asking for your experiences with symptoms and when they began - if they began at all.

Thank you in advance.

I’m only in university and have never been pregnant, but remember how women have been getting pregnant and having children since the beginning of time. And in today’s society, in a relatively wealthy country with modern medical treatment (I’m assuming you’re in the US, UK, or maybe Australia or [name_f]Canada[/name_f]), there will be help for you if anything goes even a little bit wrong!

Good luck with everything! hugs

No symptoms at five weeks is totally normal. I’m on my second pregnancy, and haven’t gotten morning sickness that early either time. I actually went through most of my first doctor’s appointment at 10 weeks expecting them to tell me to just go home, I’d imagined the whole thing…even though theoretically having been through this before I should know what to look for.

Basically, for every woman who claims to know instantly knows the second she’s pregnant, there’s another one that finds the whole thing hard to believe until she’s regularly getting kicked in the ribs by a 7 month old fetus. (I developed so much more sympathy for the women on those “I didn’t know I was pregnant!” shows last time around). It sounds like you’re the second type, but that doesn’t mean you have anything to worry about.

The heart beat will make it all feel real. With both pregnancies my symptoms were pretty mild. With the first I had a bit if nausea with the 2nd nothing at all, it did feel kinda like you imagined it but then you have the scan and see that tiny little being wiggling about its pretty amazing!!
Congratulations and good luck.

I had pretty bad morning sickness with both kids and it didn’t really start until 6 weeks. Congratulations!

[name_f]Every[/name_f] pregnancy is different. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had symptoms really early. I had morning sickness at 5 weeks, before I even knew I was pregnant. (I was almost 7 weeks when I found out. I have PCOS, too, so I was totally in denial about it. We were trying, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up.) Anyway, my sister was sick her whole pregnancy with her daughter, but not at all with either of her sons. If your hormone levels are good, then you don’t have anything to worry about. Hopefully it means you’ll feel good your whole pregnancy!

I had no symptoms at all until about 7 or 8 weeks. [name_f]Every[/name_f] other cycle I swore I had early pregnancy symptoms and I was wrong. The one cycle where I actually was pregnant and I had absolutely nothing. Mother Nature really loves to mess with your head.

Congratulations to you!

Congratulations! What lovely news. For most women, pregnancy symptoms don’t start until six weeks. Some women don’t even experience any, so maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones! Either way, no symptoms at five weeks is really normal, so try not to worry.

I am now almost 23 weeks with a healthy baby boy and never really had any symptoms! I expected to get really sick, and even prepared a box of things I might need if I were to get up sick in the middle of the night- my iPod, a blanket, some fuzzy socks and peppermint tea. But it never happened! I never got outrageously tired, never got really sore breasts (until much later). Actually it’s only been since ive started to really show and feel his little kicks in the past month or so that I really ‘feel’ pregnant. miscarriages run in the family, so I was petrified at first too. [name_m]Just[/name_m] take it one day at a time and try to get used to the idea. I used to ‘talk’ to baby to feel better. Tell it to hang in there and grow big and strong. That helped a lot. [name_m]Just[/name_m] try not to stress. If the doc says you’re good, you’re good! :slight_smile:

With both babies i had a feeling I was pregnant pretty much right away but I didn’t have any notable symptoms until later -Nausea started around 8 weeks with my first baby & lasted pretty much the whole pregnancy. This time, no nausea. My boobs felt a bit heavier than usual the first time but not sore, this time no change (I’m breastfeeding still so that could be why). With both pregnancies I had loads of energy until around the start of the third trimester. So don’t worry if you don’t “feel pregnant” yet. Its still really early.
You can’t control your hormone levels so try not to worry too much - just take your prenatal vitamins, eat healthy foods & take it easy, that’s about all you can do.

Thank you all so much. I’ve spoken to my dr, looked around online and it seems you’re all right. It’s so nice of you all to respond. You’ve really made me feel more relaxed.

I’m going to go and get another blood test this week just to make myself feel better (I wish I could do one every day!) I’m looking forward to believing that I really am pregnant. I’ve always been lucky in life, but this just seems too bloody good to be true!

Thank you everybody :slight_smile:

I never had morning sickness and am now 21+ weeks pregnant. Congratulations!

I’m hesitant to “say” it out loud, but i am 12+ weeks pregnant and have not had morning sickness in the slightest. My boobs started KILLING me though around week 5 or 6, so the slight pain you’re experiencing now may get worse. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t worry about not having morning sickness- you are blessed!

It was sort of surreal to me too- my husband and I didn’t think I’d get pregnant as soon as I did, and we too are over the moon. Seeing the heartbeat at week 6 was amazing and really helped lock it in for me. I’d be surprised if your doc tells you that you’ll hear it though- that seems early to me.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] remember that just like women, ALL pregnancies are different. If you have a second baby, that pregnancy could be different than this one! If you like to read, I suggest picking up The Bump’s book and signing up on their site. There’s some GREAT articles available.

Congrats, and enjoy this time while you’re feeling good!!

I had a lot of anxiety at the beginning too, when I had no objective reason to be concerned. I had no morning sickness at all, and on some days my boobs seemed less sore than others! Hearing the heartbeat does help. In order to help with the anxiety, the doctors let me have an early ultrasound. The doctors also told me to stay off the internet, and I’d advise you the same thing–Googling any symptom or non-symptom seems like it always gets at least one result that says “That happened to me and then I had a miscarriage.”

[name_m]Long[/name_m] story short, I’m now 36 weeks along with a little girl. The anxiety is still there, but it really died down when I could start feeling her kick. Good luck and try to enjoy the first few months. There is nothing like that feeling, even if it is accompanied by anxiety.

I am 21 weeks pregnant with my first and I never had any of the traditional symptoms of pregnancy. They do say that morning sickness does not start until about 6-8 weeks. Consider yourself lucky!

I didn’t have morning sickness with my first two, so don’t worry!! The only real symptoms for me were when my belly started growing.

I feel the same! I took 3 pregnancy tests sunday, all were positive. It was the day I Was supposed to have my period. I keep waiting to feel something… im afraid its a big joke. I know 3 isnt likely to all be wrong but still… dont see the dr for 4 more weeks of course :frowning:

I felt NO symptoms until about 7 or 8 weeks!

The only reason I took (another) pregnancy test after 5 negative ones was because a diet pepsi made me feel sick! I did get morning sicknesss REALLY REALLY bad starting at about 7 weeks and lasting 4 months!

[name_m]Just[/name_m] Enjoy this time… symptoms may come and you will regret worrying!

With my first I only had morning sickness for about a week from like 8-9 weeks, but had other symptoms like food aversions and cravings. This time, I had pretty bad morning sickness, but it last from about 8 weeks to 15 weeks. Now I feel great. The only way would have known I was pregnant before 8 weeks this time was because I was tracking my cycle and my breasts became sore, otherwise I had no symptoms before 8 weeks.
I think that some women don’t have any symptoms at all, they are lucky!


Aweh, Congratulations! :slight_smile:
Everyone’s pregnancy is a little different, & I personally had no idea I was pregnant with my first or second child until I was roughly 10 weeks long! I had no morning sickness of anything!
But with my third and my pregnancy now, I got morning sickness around 4 weeks along.
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, and even though you might be scared right now, everything will be alright.
Because once you hear the heart beat, see the ultrasounds, and actually hold your baby, it’s an amazing feeling! :slight_smile:

Best of luck, and congrats again! :slight_smile: