Family One
LN: Goodman [namelover55]
DH: Chase Oakley [Elevendy_Seven]
DW: Quimby Philophrosyne (Castle) [EmilyDanielle]
DD: Maelie Benevolence [Emmilux12]
DS: Brennan Willoughby [VEL]
DD: Ameera Harlequinn [lolzabeth]
DS: Griffith Oleander [PrincessShannon]
DD/DD: Candace Francisquita /-&-/ Zara Rosabella [@gabhart & @PrincessShannon]
First Names- Names that mean “prince” and “princess”.
Middle Names- The longest name that starts with a Q [Twin A] and F [Twin B] that you can think of (or find).
Family Two
LN: Gee [EdgeOfTheMeadow]
DH: Summit Alexander [PrincessShannon]
DW: Elsie Jordan (Seymour) [LittleJennyE]
DD: Bethia Veritas [VEL]
DD: Mercy Corliss [Indilee]
DS: Enoch Silas [BeccaRhubarb]
DS: Mordecai Miles [lifesaboutmusic]
DD: Esther Anais [@Elevendy_Seven]
First Names- Colonial.
Middle Names- End with the letter S.
Family Three
LN: Ferguson [lolzabeth]
DW: Darling Daphne (Shepherd-Lee) [zkeeble, EdgeOfTheMeadow & BeccaRhubarb]
DH: Zephyr Augustus [lolzabeth]
DS: Helix Asher [LittleJennyE]
DD: Inertia Zoe [lifesaboutmusic]
DS: Atom Levi [VEL]
DS: Theory Ezra [lolzabeth]
DD: Nebula Juno [@LittleJennyE]
First Names- Word names that have to do with science.
Middle Names- Names that you would think are modern but are actually ancient. [Example: Zayn or Chloe]
Family Four
LN: Seashore [EagleEyes]
DW: Trixie Marie (Crawley) [olivelovesnames & VEL]
DH: Leonard Amity [EagleEyes]
DS/DS: Lionel Truth Grant /-&-/ Leon Chivalry Jack [PrincessShannon]
DD: Tatiana Modesty Rose [Gingilocks101]
DS: Lucas Reason Noah [lifesaboutmusic]
DS: Leander Wisdom Scott [Indilee]
DD: Thisbe Temperance May [@Gingilocks101]
First Names- Start with a T and do not end with a L, N, A, R or E.
First Middle Names- Unique virtues.
Second Middle Names- Short (5 letters or less) fillers.
Family Five
LN: O’Sullivan [Indilee]
DH: Malcolm Tate [Elevendy_Seven]
DH: Alistair Raphael (Brower) []
DAD: Daphné Christa [BeccaRhubarb]
DAS: Tallis Beck [PrincessShannon]
DAS/DAD: Sylvain Whit /-&-/ Lilou Roberta [Indilee]
DAS: Olivier Abel [Gingilocks101]
DAD: Antoinette Falecia [@lifesaboutmusic]
First Names- French in origin and have floral [Twin A] and general nature [Twin B] meanings.
Middle Names- Honor their surrogate and her partner, Claudine Hannah and Michael Travis, in some type of way. If the connections are more obscure, like same meanings, please let me know.
Family Six
LN: Beauregard-Jensen [Luna-Skye & Lillianzzzzz]
DH: Elijah Griffin [lifesaboutmusic]
DW: Audrey Ann (Grey) [Indilee]
DS: McCoy Isonade [missniwalyra]
DD: Topaz Selkie [BeccaRhubarb]
DD: Blossom Chimera [Elevendy_Seven]
DS: Cooper Sphinx [Elevendy_Seven]
DD: Honey Rusalki [@lolzabeth]
First Names- From the Riverdale Universe.
Middle Names- Mythological creatures that are not “generic”. [Example: Phantom instead of Werewolf.]