Family One
LN: Hopper [PrincessShannon]
DW: Ruth Abigail (Gillette) [lifesaboutmusic & kidpix21]
DW: Zelda Azalea [PrincessShannon]
DAD: Marlowe Olivia [BeccaRhubarb]
DAS: Merritt Liam [PrincessShannon]
DS: Damien Samuel [BeccaRhubarb]
DAD/DAD: Matilda Eve/ Magnolia Jade [BeccaRhubarb]
DAD: Mila Kaylee [PrincessShannon]
DS: Jason Alder [Lillianzzzzz]
DAS: Maxwell Noah [BeccaRhubarb]
DD: Rosemary Lea [Grandidieramy]
DD: Annabelle Livinia [@lifesaboutmusic]
First Name- A name from a horror movie.
Middle Name- Honors his oldest uncle, Frank Daniel, without being a direct usage of either name.
Family Two
LN: Pine [breezebri]
DW: Margot Sienna (Reynolds-Fellini) [Emmilux12 & BeccaRhubarb & SuzieKim]
DH: Jacob Sebastian [breezebri]
DS: Theo Sullivan [breezebri]
DD: Bea Solana [Emmilux12]
DD/DD: Ginny Sabrina/ Nellie Soraya [holloway]
DD: Meg Scarlett [lifesaboutmusic]
DS: Kit Solomon [@Emmilux12]
First Names- Names that are usually used as nicknames.
Middle Names- Start with a S.
Family Three
LN: Finch [namelover55]
DW: Mabel Wren Harriet (Summerfield) [zkeeble & lifesaboutmusic]
DH: Bradley Robin [namelover55]
DS: Brayden Alcott Peregrine [missniwalyra]
DD: Braelyn Bronte Sparrow [missniwalyra]
DS/DS: Brady Woolf Altair/ Braxton Wilde Phoenix [Emmilux12]
DD: Branwyn Austen Viero [holloway]
DS: Brando Fitzgerald Hawk [@PrincessShannon]
First Name- Starts with the prefix “Bra-” like his father.
First Middle Name- The last name of a famous author.
Second Middle Name- A type of animal. Bonus Points if it’s a bird.
Family Four
LN: Nelson [kidpix21]
DH: Dashiell Valiant [holloway]
DW: Georgia Alessia (Jackson) [Grandidieramy]
DS: Jonah Lorenzo [holloway]
DS: Micah Angelo [holloway]
DD/DD/DD: Naomi Grazia/ Esther Verona/ Bethany Imelda [missniwalyra]
DD: Salome Ottavia [missniwalyra]
DS: Zaccai Bruno [@BeccaRhubarb]
First Name- Biblical.
Middle Name- Italian in origin.
Family Five
LN: Roze [lifesaboutmusic]
DW: Rosalind Kit (Demetriou) [ArrowTheMonarch & SuzieKim]
DH: Boyd Richard [lifesaboutmusic]
DS/DS/DS: Myles Hartley/ Roman Huxley/ Asher Henley [bowtiful]
DS: Felix Oakley [VEL]
DS/DS: Isaac Rowley/ Caleb Radley [lifesaboutmusic]
DD: Willa Bailey [BeccaRhubarb]
DD: Hazel Tinsley [@Inger]
First Name- 5 letters long.
Middle Name- Ends with the suffix “-ley”. Bonus Points if it doesn’t start with a H, O, R, B or T.
Family Six
LN: Chaney [BeccaRhubarb]
DW: Vera Lavender (Foxworth) [PrincessShannon & breezbri]
DP: Delaney Carson “Laney” [BeccaRhubarb]
DS: Phoenix Emerson [PrincessShannon]
DD: London Harper [lifesaboutmusic]
DD/DS: Sydney Rowan/ Houston Blake [breezebri]
DD: Montana Alex [HollyWaterfall]
DS: Dallas Morgan [@HollyWaterfall]
First Name- A place name.
Middle Name- Unisex.