Family One
LN: Gillette [@kidpix21]
DH: Elvis Shmuel [@kidpix21]
DW: Katja Liesel (Althaus) [@olivelovesnames]
First Name- A vintage name that you think flows well with her last name.
Middle Name- Ends with the letter L.
Family Two
LN: Reynolds-Fellini [@BeccaRhubarb & @SuzieKim]
DW: Rose Arabella (Fellini) [@SuzieKim]
DW: Jessica Emerald (Reynolds) [@BeccaRhubarb]
First Name- Currently popular on Nameberry but doesn’t start with a R, A, J or E.
Middle Name- A name that has a color in its meaning. [Example: Oliver means “green olive tree”.]
Family Three
LN: Summerfield [@lifesaboutmusic]
DH: Kale Holden [@lifesaboutmusic]
DW: Maisie Bethlehem Deidre (McQueen) [@breezebri]
First Names- Have the same number of letters and end in the same sound.
First Middle Names- Nature names that you would expect to see used for twins.
Second Middle Names- Starts with the same letter as the other twin’s first name.
Family Four
LN: Nelson [@kidpix21]
DH: Arlo Creed [@kidpix21]
DW: Bridget Audi (McBride) [@lifesaboutmusic]
First Name- Trendy and starts with a C.
Middle Name- An uncommon word name.
Family Five
LN: Demetriou [@SuzieKim]
DH: Christakis “Chris” Emmanouil [@SuzieKim]
DH: Alvin Pruitt (Willoughby) [@BeccaRhubarb]
First Name- Means “warrior”.
Middle Name- Honors one of his fathers.
Family Six
LN: Foxworth [@breezebri]
DH: Matthew Daniel [@breezebri]
DW: Charlotte Zainab “Charlie” (Abbasi) [@olivelovesnames]
First Name- Starts with a Z.
Middle Name- Your top guilty pleasure that you would never actually use.