7 1/2 weeks to go--short list!

See the results of this poll: Please read the description first and then vote for your favorite!

Respondents: 67 (This poll is closed)

  • Foster Xavier : 10 (14%)
  • Simon Kovarik : 34 (46%)
  • Levi Augustus: 30 (41%)

Of your 3 choices I would definitely have to go with [name]Simon[/name] Kovarik. [name]Simon[/name] is such an underused name and, to me, very strong and masculine as well. I also love the family-ness associated with this choice. [name]Levi[/name] is just too popular for me and [name]Foster[/name] is not my style.

I agree with the above poster. Simon Kovarik got my vote too.

[name]Simon[/name] got my vote by far. A very handsome name paired with a spunky, unusual but meaningful middle.

[name]Foster[/name] I do find very surname-trendy, I’m afraid, and I don’t like [name]Augustus[/name] at all, plus if your husband has concerns about it I’d advise not using it.

[name]Simon[/name] Kovarik is classy and meaningful. And it looks cool. I voted for this name.

I agree completely. I love the [name]Simon[/name] as well.

I agree with the above comments about [name]Simon[/name] and the other names-- plus in your description, the family connection seemed the most significant.

Got to agree absolutely love [name]Simon[/name] and all the meaning that it would have for you :slight_smile:

I voted for [name]Simon[/name]. I’m not a big fan of [name]Levi[/name] and I really dislike surnames for first names so that kicks [name]Foster[/name] out for me.

I really like [name]Simon[/name] Kavarik.

[name]Simon[/name] by a mile. Your last name is lovely btw.

Well, I guess we have a pretty clear winner here! Thank you guys so much for your help! I’ve been leaning towards [name]Simon[/name] lately, and I’m so glad for the positive feedback!

I voted for [name]Levi[/name] [name]Augustus[/name] before I read your post – oops! I would totally take it back now and vote [name]Simon[/name] Kovarik. [name]Love[/name] that name and the family meaning associated with it.