8 days to go and our girl name has changed - Middle names needed for Nimue!

[name]Hi[/name] everyone,

I have posted a bit about our names for our baby due in [name]August[/name]. Now with a scheduled cs booked for the 1st [name]August[/name], I have suddenly had a huge change of heart with our girl’s name.

Our boy name is [name]Peregrine[/name] Ly0ns Form@n, planning to call him [name]Pippin[/name] or [name]Penn[/name]. This has been the one all along, apart from a change in middle when our first pick was used by a family member. Very happy with the family name Ly0ns though.

We had settled on [name]Aurelia[/name], but in the last couple of days I have come to feel that while it is a lovely name which I would love to see used, it just isn’t the right name for our girl. I think my focus has shifted from wanting a name that pleases everyone to one that feels true to us, regardless of what others think, especially because this is the last baby we are planning. The only two other real first name contenders were Nimue and [name]Arrietty[/name], and I feel [name]Arrietty[/name] just doesn’t age well. Her sister is [name]Iris[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] and while I am happy with that I know I should have called her [name]Ophelia[/name] as her first but felt pressure to keep the unusualness down a notch.

This leaves Nimue which is feeling very right, despite it’s pronunciation problems (pron [name]Nim[/name]-oo-way, with the second syllable hardly pronounced at all). I know this is definitely not everyone’s taste! I love the nn [name]Nim[/name], and can imagine using it day in day out, and on a teenager and on an older woman. I have seen it written with an ë which might help with pronunciation, but most people aren’t familiar with what that means in Australia anyway. I don’t want to move away from the authentic Welsh spelling.

So that means I need middles desperately! I think it needs to be quite a straightforward name to lighten it, something that flows beautifully…It would be lovely if anyone has any suggestions as I am finding it harder and harder to pair with anything:

So far I have:

Nimue [name]Anna[/name] Form@n (my mother’s middle, my current favourite)
Nimue [name]Claire[/name] Form@n
Nimue [name]Eve[/name] Form@n
Nimue [name]Violet[/name] Form@n
Nimue [name]Florence[/name] Form@n

Unfortunately [name]Rose[/name] is taken and [name]May[/name] sounds bad, as does anything ending with -ay…

Looking forward to your opinions & suggestions!

Ooooh, a Nimue! So gorgeous, and I think [name]Nim[/name] is fantastic. I think Nimue [name]Anna[/name] is a stunning combo, so much that I don’t feel that I really need to suggest more, but here are some anyway:

Nimue [name]Eliza[/name]
Nimue [name]Aurelia[/name]
Nimue [name]Vera[/name]
Nimue [name]Dahlia[/name]
Nimue [name]Flora[/name]

Thanks! it has been such a crazy week it is good to have some feedback without having to consult family! I love [name]Flora[/name] but feel it is a little matchy with Forman?

My first thought was Numue [name]Lenore[/name].
Nimue [name]Coral[/name]
Nimue [name]Pearl[/name]
Nimue Liesle

I like Nimue [name]Anna[/name] and Nimue [name]Eve[/name].

I like Nimue [name]Violet[/name] for its nature-y feel (I love The Mists of [name]Avalon[/name]) and because it sort of matches her up with her sister’s [flower] name. Are there any other nature/flower names you like?

Also: I think Nimue is rad:)

I love Nimue [name]Anna[/name] and Nimue [name]Violet[/name]! And Nimue is a lovely name (so excited you picked [name]Peregrine[/name] for a boy!). There will, unfortunately, be pronunciation issues, but if you really love the name your daughter will too : ) I’m quite sure of that.

Thank you! I think [name]Anna[/name], [name]Violet[/name], [name]Flora[/name] and [name]Lenore[/name] are my favourites (thought the last two seem very matchy with Forman). What do you think of [name]Susannah[/name] and (H)[name]Eloise[/name]?

I have just found out [name]Lenore[/name] was my great Grandmother’s middle! She was [name]Sadie[/name] [name]Lenore[/name]…

I haven’t really found any other naturey names I like apart from [name]Violet[/name]… [name]Hazel[/name] I like but it is taken already in the family.

Nimue [name]Sabine[/name]
Nimue [name]Viola[/name]
Nimue [name]Vivienne[/name]
Nimue [name]Lenora[/name]
Nimue Helenor
Nimue [name]Susanne[/name]
Nimue Philomine ([name]Phil[/name]-oh-meen or Pheel-oh-meen)
Nimue Fiametta
Nimue [name]Peregrine[/name]
Nimue [name]Green[/name]
Nimue [name]Lillian[/name]
Nimue Lilitha

The ones in bold are the ones I think look best with [name]Iris[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name]. Each middle name compliments the elegance of [name]Ophelia[/name].

I like suggestions of Nimue [name]Leonore[/name], Nimue [name]Peregrine[/name]…

I suggest…
Nimue [name]Susanna[/name]
Nimue [name]Johanna[/name]
Nimue [name]Georgine[/name]
Nimue [name]Georgina[/name]
Nimue [name]Lark[/name]

Nimue [name]Thisbe[/name]
Nimue [name]Charlotte[/name]
Nimue [name]Juno[/name]
Nimue Fiammettta
Nimue [name]Brigid[/name]

[name]Just[/name] wanting to comment your beautiful choice for your girl. Nimue is one of my all time favourites! Of the middle names suggested here my favourites are [name]Violet[/name] (or maybe [name]Viola[/name]) and [name]Aurelia[/name].

++++ for Nimue!! We were quite close to using it for our daughter just born. [name]Love[/name] that name! and [name]Nim[/name] is such a cool nickname that absolutely ages well.

From your like I like Nimue [name]Claire[/name] the best. Nimue [name]Aurelia[/name] is quite lovely too! :slight_smile:

best wishes!

Nimue [name]Violet[/name] is my favorite! Followed by Nimue [name]Anna[/name] or Nimue [name]Susannah[/name].