A Berry Get-Together???

[name]Hi[/name] all!

So as I was reading through the posts on here, the idea came to me that it might be really fun to actually get together (how old fashioned, i know ;-)) with fellow berries and talk about names and whatever else we feel like… So I’m just wondering if there is anyone out there that would be interested? Of course it obviously depends on where everyone is located but I figured it’s worth a shot to see if we have any “clusters of berries” (hehe… sorry) that may want to meet up? I live in the metro [name]Atlanta[/name] area :slight_smile:

[name]Hope[/name] everyone is having a great weekend!

This could be fun! I’m too far from [name]Atlanta[/name] I’m afraid though.


A good idea. I am from [name]Oz[/name], mmm, maybe [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] will organise something like [name]Oprah[/name]'s trip Down Under :D, and you can all come out to Australia, and I will meet up with you at the [name]Opera[/name] House!

Oh! That’s a great idea, only I’m in [name]England[/name] :expressionless: . Anyone fancy some [name]Earl[/name] [name]Grey[/name] tea and scones in [name]London[/name]? :slight_smile:

Oh! That would be SO lovely! I’ve been ever so curious about everyone! I think you should just all come to CAPE TOWN, SOUTH [name]AFRICA[/name]! I just KNOW you’ll love it here! I can offer you a great Braai and delicious Boerewors! (a BBQ and a special type of barbecueing sausage) :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Btw, are there ANY other berries from SA out there?? (".)

Although, I will be going over to the UK next month, so I may take you up on that EG [name]Tea[/name] and Scones and a namenerd chat, oliviasarah! :wink:

There is always Facebook as a substitute for those who don’t mind giving up their anonymity - we can PM each other for that or contact each other via the nameberry Facebook page.

[name]EDIT[/name]: >pam, a nameberry map is a fantastic idea!<

But for now it is midnight here and I’m off to bed! Night-night Berries!

PS [name]Love[/name] your girl’s name list!
PPS I would love high tea with the “Berries” at an elegant restaurant :smiley:

I live a few hours away from [name]Atlanta[/name] in [name]Alabama[/name]. :slight_smile:

Well, you’re the closest so far at least! LOL! [name]Even[/name] if no two berries wind up being close enough to meet up, it’s still fun to learn where everyone is posting from :slight_smile:

Wow, I’m amazed how widely scattered everyone is! But I guess that must be destiny since [name]Linda[/name] and I have rarely lived closer than 3000 miles from each other through all our years of writing about names. I was in [name]London[/name], she was in NY; I moved back to NY, she moved to LA. Challenging pre-internet!

Maybe we need a Map of [name]Berry[/name] [name]Land[/name] with pins in it? We’ll have to ask [name]Hugh[/name] the [name]Wizard[/name] of Nameberry to get on that (right after he gets on the other 1200 things on his list.)

So tickled at the idea of everyone getting together.

Wow, I love the idea of the “Map of [name]Berry[/name] [name]Land[/name] with pins in it”!!! :slight_smile: I’m in [name]Ontario[/name], [name]Canada[/name]!!

I live in upstate New [name]York[/name].

On a total side note, our waitress tonight was named [name]Magenta[/name]. First time in a long time where I’ve encountered a a name that was new to me. Also, what a bold alternative to [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Ruby[/name], and [name]Violet[/name]!

I live in [name]Indiana[/name]. I think it’s so neat that there are so many different locations represented here! While I would love to offer something as nice as tea and scones I’m afraid I can only offer corn and pork tenderloin sandwiches if anyone makes the journey to the Midwest United States.

I’m living in Western New [name]York[/name]…not too far :slight_smile:

I was just daydreaming about a nameberry convention! I love the map idea- I live in Massachusetts. Actually, pdxlibrarian and colbi.randon, I’m currently in upstate New [name]York[/name] visiting family! That’s cool.

A lot of New Yorkers here. I’m in NY too.

I’m in NYC as well!

Awww… all the NY’rs are making me jealous - I was born and raised in Westchester county! But I’ve been here in [name]Atlanta[/name] for about 15 years now. If NYC were cheaper, I’d go back in a heartbeat! NY will always be home and I miss it like crazy :slight_smile:

All the NYrs are making me jealous too! I’m in [name]England[/name] (hey oliviasarah! :smiley: ) but I visited NY not so long ago and LOVED it. Wish I could come and see you all out there!

A nameberry convention would be so much fun! If anyone wants to see [name]Philadelphia[/name], I’d be happy to take you to see the liberty bell and get some water ice! But seriously if there was a convention in NYC I would SO be there! :smiley:

Everyone is quite scattered, which is quite cool : D, with a bit of a New [name]York[/name] bend (but I think split between city and state, no?). Not surprising since it is quite a populous state and city.

I’d love something more formal like a convention as well as anything more informal : D. I have always loved the idea of visiting [name]Oz[/name] or South [name]Africa[/name] but cost is prohibitive right now (and I love the slightly-less-prohibitive UK and [name]Canada[/name], but I have already made it there, several times for [name]Canada[/name] : D).

[name]Philly[/name] is such a great town : D. [name]Haven[/name]'t spent much time in [name]Atlanta[/name] or [name]Alabama[/name] but have family in that general part of the world…love the affordability and warmth : D. NYC certainly is very expensive but managing to get by. Partly by not having any money for trips to the greater Anglosphere, ha!

[name]LOVE[/name] the map idea.