A BookButterfly BNG: Part 1

Your name is [name]Kayla[/name] [name]Joy[/name] [name]Evans[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Jason[/name] [name]Kevin[/name] [name]Evans[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Hailey[/name] [name]Anne[/name] [name]Evans[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Faith[/name] Myers, has recently remarried a man named [name]Winston[/name] [name]Michael[/name] Myers. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Ellen[/name] [name]Lillian[/name] Myers. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Ellen[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]George[/name] [name]Vincent[/name] [name]Palmer[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours,[name]Kelly[/name]-[name]Anne[/name] [name]Bailey[/name] [name]James[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]George[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]George[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Ellen[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]George[/name] [name]Palmer[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Hailey[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]George[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.

A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]George[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]Sage[/name] College of [name]Albany[/name], majoring in [name]History[/name]. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]George[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
A: http://www.buildingscheme.com/wp-con...n-ideas-16.jpg

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]George[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.

[name]Lucille[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Palmer[/name]-[name]Evans[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Luci[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Emerson[/name] [name]Destiny[/name] [name]Johnston[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Ryan[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Johnston[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Daisy[/name] [name]Johnston[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Brooke[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Johnston[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]David[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Stetson[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Bridget[/name] [name]Kaydence[/name] [name]Stetson[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Bridget[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Rhett[/name] [name]McCauley[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Madison[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Rhett[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Rhett[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Bridget[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Rhett[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Abby[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Rhett[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction?
You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Rhett[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to New [name]York[/name] University, majoring in Psychology. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Rhett[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Rhett[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
What is your daughter’s name? [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Kaia[/name] [name]McCauley[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Eloise[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Belle[/name] “[name]Alex[/name]” and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Darren[/name] [name]Tony[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Michelle[/name] [name]Ann[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]George[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named Maddisyn [name]Rose[/name] “[name]Maddi[/name]”. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Maddi[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Fletcher[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Tasha[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Fletcher[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Fletcher[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Maddi[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Fletcher[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Hannah[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Fletcher[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
B: A phone call

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
B: You call his cell phone. He answers on the second ring and is glad he’s finally heard from you. The two of you exchange pleasantries for five minutes before you cut in and say you have something to tell him. He asks what it is. You ask if he remembers what happened between you guys in the ice cream shop parking lot. He’s silent for a brief moment before he answers yes. You tell him you’re pregnant. The other end is so silent, you think he’s hung up. You turn off your phone and cry. Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings. You answer the door. It’s him. Impulsively, he asks you to marry him. You turn him down flat. He begs you not to shut him out, that he’s sorry he got you pregnant, but he wants to be a father to the baby and he wants to be your friend. You agree to let him.

[name]Fletcher[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to UWA, majoring in journalism. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Fletcher[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
E: Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Fletcher[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
E: 298 Fastest-Rising Girl Names 2021 | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Eloise[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Molly[/name] [name]Anna[/name] [name]Madigan[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Conall[/name] [name]Madigan[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Vivienne[/name] [name]Maria[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]James[/name] [name]Stewart[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Nora[/name] [name]Stewart[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Nora[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Kellan[/name] [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Johnson[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Tamara[/name] [name]McLeod[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Kellan[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Kellan[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Nora[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Kellan[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Sophia[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell ([name]GUY[/name] [name]FRIEND[/name]'S NAME).
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Kellan[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to SCAD, majoring in architecture. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Kellan[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
E: Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Kellan[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
D: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name?
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Katerina[/name]
You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Alice[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Helen[/name] [name]Louise[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Henry[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Jackson[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Erin[/name] [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Jackson[/name], was seven. Your mother, , has recently remarried a man named [name]Maddox[/name] [name]River[/name] [name]Johnson[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Amy[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] “[name]Jo[/name]” [name]Johnson[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Amy[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Charles[/name] [name]Tobias[/name] [name]Smith[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Rose[/name] [name]Wilhelmina[/name] [name]Miller[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Charlie[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Charlie[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Amy[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Charlie[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Erin[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Charlie[/name].

[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant?
A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction?
You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Charlie[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to NYU, majoring in [name]Art[/name] [name]History[/name]. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Charlie[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.

What does the baby’s nursery look like?

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Charlie[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.

What is your daughter’s name?
[name]Hope[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]Smith[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Hope[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Laura[/name] [name]Paisley[/name] [name]Hudson[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Jonah[/name] [name]Cale[/name] [name]Hudson[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Lexi[/name] [name]Peyton[/name] [name]Hudson[/name], was seven. Your mother,[name]Nicole[/name] [name]Elena[/name] [name]Hudson[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Matthew[/name] [name]James[/name] Gibbs. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Katelyn[/name] [name]Eliza[/name] Gibbs. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Katelyn[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Logan[/name] [name]Jared[/name] [name]Bennett[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Mikayla[/name] [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Hartley[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Logan[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Logan[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Katelyn[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Logan[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Lexi[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Logan[/name]. I decide to tell him that we need to talk in person. We set up a time and have a face to face confrontation.

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Logan[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to University of Northern Iowa, majoring in Pre-Med. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Logan[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
E: Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Logan[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name. Her name is [name]Avery[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] “[name]Ava[/name]” [name]Bennett[/name].

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Ava[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Brynn[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Chase[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Peter[/name] [name]Henry[/name] [name]Chase[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Nora[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] [name]Chase[/name] , was seven. Your mother, [name]Natalie[/name] [name]Louise[/name] O’[name]Reilly[/name] [name]Chase[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Jack[/name] [name]Neil[/name] [name]Flynn[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Maisie[/name] [name]Clementine[/name] [name]Flynn[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Maisie[/name].
On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Will[/name] [name]Baker[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.
Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Morgan[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Will[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…
You and [name]Will[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Maisie[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Will[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.
[name]Nora[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Will[/name]. [name]Brynn[/name] was too scared so she let [name]Nora[/name] tell [name]Will[/name] for her.
It takes you three days, but eventually your little sister consents to giving the news to your baby’s father. She leaves around noon to walk the two blocks to his house. For an hour, you’re pacing around the living, anxious for your sister to call you. Around two o’clock, a car pulls into the driveway. It’s your baby’s father and your sister. They come inside the house. He’s pissed off at you for making your sister tell him you’re pregnant, that this is between you and him. You blow up in his face without really thinking about what you’re saying. He gives it right back and your sister flees from the room. Five minutes later, you realize what you’ve done and start crying. You say you’re sorry, you know you should have told him, but you were scared. You ask for his forgiveness and he accepts it. He understands and the two of you call a truce for the sake of your baby.
[name]Will[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]Yale[/name], majoring in Political [name]Science[/name]. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Will[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Will[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
They name their beautiful baby girl [name]Violet[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Baker[/name].
You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Violet[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Lily[/name] [name]Frances[/name] [name]Bellamy[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Harrison[/name] [name]Bellamy[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Agnes[/name] [name]Bellamy[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Margaret[/name] [name]Alice[/name] Nobbs [name]Bellamy[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Leonard[/name] [name]Xavier[/name] [name]Pierce[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Ramona[/name] [name]Evelyn[/name] [name]Pierce[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Ramona[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Malcolm[/name] [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Collins[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Isolde[/name] Vartanian, talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Malcolm[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Malcolm[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Ramona[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Malcolm[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Lucy[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Malcolm[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Malcolm[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to the University of Southern [name]California[/name], majoring in Zoology. Your little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but your mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Malcolm[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
E: Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Malcolm[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
D: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Eliza[/name] [name]Carine[/name] [name]Bellamy[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Eliza[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Haley[/name] [name]Marie[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Michael[/name] [name]David[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Sydney[/name] [name]Margaret[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Rebecca[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Jonathan[/name] [name]Peter[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Tara[/name] [name]Janice[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Tara[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Adam[/name] [name]Derek[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to New [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Kaitlyn[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Adam[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Adam[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Tara[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Adam[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Sydney[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Adam[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant?
A phone call.

What’s his reaction?
You call his cell phone. He answers on the second ring and is glad he’s finally heard from you. The two of you exchange pleasantries for five minutes before you cut in and say you have something to tell him. He asks what it is. You ask if he remembers what happened between you guys in the ice cream shop parking lot. He’s silent for a brief moment before he answers yes. You tell him you’re pregnant. The other end is so silent, you think he’s hung up. You turn off your phone and cry. Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings. You answer the door. It’s him. Impulsively, he asks you to marry him. You turn him down flat. He begs you not to shut him out, that he’s sorry he got you pregnant, but he wants to be a father to the baby and he wants to be your friend. You agree to let him.

[name]Adam[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]Boston[/name] College, majoring in arts. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Adam[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like?

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Adam[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
[name]Eliza[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Eliza[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is ([name]Paige[/name] [name]Kristine[/name] Cooley) and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, ([name]Darrel[/name] [name]James[/name] Cooley), died when you were ten years old and your little sister, ([name]Haleigh[/name] [name]Noelle[/name] Cooley), was seven. Your mother, ([name]Meredith[/name] [name]Colleen[/name] [name]Hall[/name]-Cooley), has recently remarried a man named ([name]Harry[/name] [name]Vincent[/name] [name]Wilm[/name]). He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named ([name]Kaia[/name] [name]Marie[/name] [name]Wilm[/name]). After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand ([name]Kaia[/name]).

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is ([name]Brock[/name] [name]Garvin[/name] Mayers), he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, ([name]Skylar[/name] [name]Katrina[/name] [name]Barnes[/name]), talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend ([name]Brock[/name]), nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and ([name]Brock[/name]) don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you ([name]Kaia[/name]) found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is ([name]Brock[/name]), which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

([name]Haleigh[/name]) asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell ([name]Brock[/name]).
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

([name]Brock[/name]) goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to (UNI), majoring in (Taeching). You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. ([name]Brock[/name]) comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? A

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. ([name]Brock[/name]) holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
E: 298 Fastest-Rising Girl Names 2021 | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Paisley[/name] [name]Reina[/name] Mayers

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re ([name]Paisley[/name])'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Jena[/name] [name]Elise[/name] [name]Nash[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Mark[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Nash[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Whitney[/name] [name]Hope[/name] [name]Nash[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Lori[/name] [name]Diane[/name] [name]Nash[/name] , has recently remarried a man named [name]Lance[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Daniels[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Miranda[/name] [name]Nicole[/name] [name]Daniels[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Miranda[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Bradley[/name] [name]Scott[/name] [name]Maddox[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Rachel[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] Kovacs, talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Brad[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Brad[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Miranda[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Brad[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Whitney[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Brad[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Brad[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]Columbia[/name], majoring in history. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Brad[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
C: http://babyroom.tk/wp-content/upload...irls-Rooms.jpg

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Brad[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
E: 298 Fastest-Rising Girl Names 2021 | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Norah[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Norah[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Darcy[/name] Elsabeth Hames and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, Klein [name]Gregory[/name] Hames, died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Lilith[/name] [name]Vivian[/name] Hames, was seven. Your mother, [name]JoAnna[/name] [name]Marisol[/name] [name]James[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Stephan[/name] Riccolo [name]James[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Waverly[/name] [name]Claire[/name] [name]James[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Waverly[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Grayson[/name] [name]Monroe[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Ursula[/name] [name]Jane[/name] Hawkins, talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Gray[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Grayson[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Waverly[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Grayson[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Lilith[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Grayson[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Grayson[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]Stanford[/name], majoring in baseball. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Grayson[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Grayson[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Arianna[/name] [name]Cathleen[/name] [name]Monroe[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Arianna[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Dahlia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Adams[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Charles[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Parker[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Emmeline[/name] [name]Audrey[/name] [name]Adams[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Adams[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Connor[/name] [name]Everett[/name] [name]Adams[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named Simphony [name]December[/name] [name]Adams[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand Simphony.

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Chase[/name] [name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Martin[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Lila[/name] [name]Nolan[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Chase[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Chase[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you Simphony found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Chase[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.
[name]Emmeline[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Chase[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant?
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Chase[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to The [name]Art[/name] Institute, majoring in [name]Art[/name]. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Chase[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like?
E: Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Chase[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
D: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Mabel[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Martin[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Mabel[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Lindsay[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Grayson[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Paul[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Grayson[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Nicole[/name] [name]Grayson[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Dawn[/name] [name]Marie[/name] [name]Grayson[/name]-Plath, has recently remarried a man named [name]Robert[/name] [name]William[/name] Plath “[name]Rob[/name]”. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Gina[/name] [name]Louise[/name] Plath. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Gina[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Nolan[/name] [name]James[/name] Westerberg, he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Callie[/name] [name]Diana[/name] McFarland, talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Nolan[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Nolan[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Gina[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Nolan[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Sophia[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Nolan[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
B: A phone call

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
B: You call his cell phone. He answers on the second ring and is glad he’s finally heard from you. The two of you exchange pleasantries for five minutes before you cut in and say you have something to tell him. He asks what it is. You ask if he remembers what happened between you guys in the ice cream shop parking lot. He’s silent for a brief moment before he answers yes. You tell him you’re pregnant. The other end is so silent, you think he’s hung up. You turn off your phone and cry. Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings. You answer the door. It’s him. Impulsively, he asks you to marry him. You turn him down flat. He begs you not to shut him out, that he’s sorry he got you pregnant, but he wants to be a father to the baby and he wants to be your friend. You agree to let him.

[name]Nolan[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to NYU, majoring in filmmaking. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Nolan[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Nolan[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.

What is your daughter’s name?

[name]Elliana[/name] [name]Cate[/name] [name]Grayson[/name]-Westerberg “[name]Ellie[/name]”

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Ellie[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Georgia[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Oscar[/name] died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Jane[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Olive[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Jackson[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Jemma[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Jemma[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Luca[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Evie[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Luca[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Luca[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Jemma[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Luca[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Jane[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Luca[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Luca[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to SUNY, majoring in Childhood Education. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you to come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Luca[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide

E: Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Luca[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.

D: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
What is your daughter’s name? - [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Sophie[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Robin[/name] [name]Isabelle[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Robert[/name] [name]Isaac[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Rory[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Isla[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]George[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Harris[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Lola[/name] [name]Marianne[/name] [name]Harris[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Lola[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Julian[/name] [name]Ronan[/name] [name]Taylor[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Ava[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]Marshall[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Julian[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Julian[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Lola[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Julian[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Rory[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Julian[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Julian[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]Columbia[/name], majoring in English Literature. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Julian[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide
E: Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Julian[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.

Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
D: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Mabel[/name] [name]Catalina[/name] [name]Kennedy[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Mabel[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Alice[/name] [name]Margaret[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Charles[/name] [name]Wesley[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Julia[/name] [name]Helen[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Robert[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Amelia[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Caroline[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]William[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Hale[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Louisa[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Will[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Will[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, [name]Julia[/name] runs to you. She tells you [name]Caroline[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Will[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Julia[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Will[/name]. In the end, you decide to bite the bullet and tell him during a face-to-face confrontation.

So you get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

[name]Will[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]William[/name] & [name]Mary[/name], majoring in Biology. Your little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your [name]Will[/name] and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Will[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery. When you finish, you’re so proud with how it turned out (Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month).

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Will[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], to honor [name]Will[/name]'s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name, and she chooses [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Catherine[/name].

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. [name]Will[/name] helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Eleanor[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Ellison[/name] [name]Faith[/name] Haugland and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Tom[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Isabel[/name] [name]Odile[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Whitney[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Isaac[/name] Wengerd. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Trinity[/name] [name]Pauline[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Trinity[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Asher[/name] [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Thompson[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Olivia[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend, [name]Asher[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Asher[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Trinity[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Asher[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Isabel[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Asher[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant?
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder.

Asher goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to Stanford University, majoring in Law. Your little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but your mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. Asher comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like?
C: http://babyroom.tk/wp-content/upload...irls-Rooms.jpg

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. Asher holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.
D: 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? Sasha Katarine

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re Sasha’s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Savannah[/name] and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Travis[/name], died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Scarlette[/name], was seven. Your mother, [name]Lynsie[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Marcus[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Mariah[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Mariah[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Zander[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Cordelia[/name], talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend zander, nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Zander[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Mariah[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Zander[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Scarlette[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Zander[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? You decide.
A: A face-to-face confrontation

What’s his reaction? Go with the letter you chose.
A: You get in your car and drive to his house. You pull into the driveway to find him in the front yard, mowing the lawn. He’s surprised and happy to see you. You get out of the car. Your feelings must show on your face because he asks you what’s wrong. You come straight out with it: you’re pregnant. He’s stunned. You tell him you’re going to have the baby, and that you’re thinking you might keep it. You say he can be as involved or uninvolved in the child’s life as he wants. He takes you in his arms and hugs you tight, saying he’s sorry he wasn’t careful that night and he wants the baby. You can’t help it. You cry into his shoulder. .

[name]Zander[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to [name]Princeton[/name], majoring in Architecture . You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Zander[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? You decide

link doesnt work so i chose this: http://www.buildingscheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/baby-girls-bedrooms-design-ideas-2-e1311176773808.jpg

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. zander holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
Your sister chooses a name from one of these lists. You decide which one.

B: 200 Trending Girl Names | Nameberry

Your daughter’s middle name comes from this list: https://nameberry.com/list/16/Catheri...nal-Variations

What is your daughter’s name? [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re penelope’s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.

Your name is [name]Hanna[/name] [name]Hazel[/name] Holman and you are a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. Your dad, [name]Craig[/name] [name]Brian[/name] Holman, died when you were ten years old and your little sister, [name]Haley[/name] [name]Hope[/name] Holman, was seven. Your mother, [name]Heather[/name] [name]Amanda[/name] [name]Guthrie[/name], has recently remarried a man named [name]Garrett[/name] [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Guthrie[/name]. He is also widowed and has a daughter that is the same age as you, named [name]Ashton[/name] [name]Kaylin[/name] [name]Guthrie[/name]. After the wedding, you, your mom, and your sister move from [name]Boston[/name], Massachusetts to your new stepfather’s house in [name]Albany[/name], [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name]. You are not the least bit happy about it. You like your stepfather well enough, but you can’t stand [name]Ashton[/name].

On your first day at your new school, you see a boy sitting by himself in the cafeteria at lunchtime. You remember his name is [name]Darren[/name] [name]Eli[/name] [name]Price[/name], he’s a senior, and in three of your classes. He’s cute but doesn’t talk much. The first time you did hear him speak, you noticed he had a Southern accent. You go sit with him. He’s surprised. It takes a few days, but he finally warms up to you. He tells you that his family moved to [name]New[/name] [name]York[/name] from [name]Louisiana[/name] after Hurricane [name]Katrina[/name]. His parents decided to stay. The two of you become friends–and you discover you’re one of the few he has.

Two weeks before school lets out, a friend of yours, [name]Cassidy[/name] [name]Anna[/name] Atkinson “[name]Cassie[/name]”, talks you into going to an unsupervised party at another friend’s house on a [name]Saturday[/name] night. An hour into the festivities and you’re bored out of your mind. You go outside to the patio in the backyard to call your mom for a ride home. On the back porch, sitting by himself, you see your guy friend [name]Darren[/name], nursing a beer. You didn’t realize he was here so you go over to him. Like you, he was also dragged to the party by another mutual friend of yours. You ask him if he’d like to leave with you and he agrees. You take his car, but you’re the one driving–he’s had a few drinks. The two of you go to the nearest ice cream shop and order a sundae for the two of you to share. While you’re eating at a table outside in the warm mid-summer night, your friend, who’s recently graduated, thanks you for being his friend and “putting up” with him. Without thinking, you lean across the table and kiss him. Before you know it, he’s taking your hand, leading him back to his car, getting into the backseat, and…

You and [name]Darren[/name] don’t talk about what happened that night. You want to, and you’ve let him know you want to be more than friends with him, but he rejects you. You’re hurt and angry. You refuse to speak to him and ignore all the phone calls, e-mails, and text messages he sends you. A week after school ends, you start feeling sick, but brush it off as a cold…until you realize your period is late. You don’t believe you’re pregnant, but you buy a pregnancy test anyway, for a peace of mind. It comes back positive! You start to panic. You’re not sure of what to do. You hide the test in your bedroom and go to work, hoping to buy time to work out a plan. You’re against abortion, so that’s out. Adoption is an option you like, but you’re not sure if that’s really what you want. When you get home, your little sister runs to you. She tells you [name]Ashton[/name] found the pregnancy test in your bedroom and told your mother and stepfather. She asks you if it’s true, are you pregnant? You burst into tears and say, yes, it’s true. She goes inside with you to help you face your mother. Your mother is furious and disappointed in you. She demands to know who the father is. You tell him the father is [name]Darren[/name] [name]Price[/name], which makes her even madder, because she really didn’t like him. She sends you to your bedroom and orders you to stay there for the rest of the night. Later, your stepfather comes upstairs. He says he’s not happy about the situation, but promises to be there for you in whatever decisions you make. The next day, your mother comes to you, crying. She says she’s sorry for the way she acted and, like your stepfather, promises she’ll be supportive.

[name]Haley[/name] asks you if you told the baby’s father yet. You say no, you haven’t and you’re not sure you want to. She says he at least has a right to know. You can’t help but agree with her. The truth always comes out, and it might not be in a way you want it to. But you’re not sure how to tell [name]Darren[/name].
[name]How[/name] do you tell your baby’s father you’re pregnant? A phone call

You call his cell phone. He answers on the second ring and is glad he’s finally heard from you. The two of you exchange pleasantries for five minutes before you cut in and say you have something to tell him. He asks what it is. You ask if he remembers what happened between you guys in the ice cream shop parking lot. He’s silent for a brief moment before he answers yes. You tell him you’re pregnant. The other end is so silent, you think he’s hung up. You turn off your phone and cry. Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rings. You answer the door. It’s him. Impulsively, he asks you to marry him. You turn him down flat. He begs you not to shut him out, that he’s sorry he got you pregnant, but he wants to be a father to the baby and he wants to be your friend. You agree to let him.

[name]Darren[/name] goes away to college, but keeps in touch and comes back home to see how you’re doing and goes with you to doctor’s appointments whenever he can. You’re busy with your senior year, working and studying. You got an early acceptance to Universality of [name]Albany[/name], majoring in Journalism. You’re little sister and stepfather are being helpful, but you’re mother is stressed out and your stepsister is being difficult. After a heated argument, your mother forces you out of the house, but your stepfather intervenes. After the incident, you turn to your baby’s father and his family for support. He wants to help, but he’s been living on the college campus and hasn’t been able to get a place of his own. The only person from his family that seems to care is his widowed seventy-eight-year-old maternal grandmother, [name]Catherine[/name]. She offers you come live with her until the baby is born. You accept and move in with her. She’s very good to you. [name]Darren[/name] comes home for [name]Christmas[/name] break and takes you to a doctor’s appointment. You wanted to keep the gender a surprise, but excitement gets the better of you. You find out you’re having a baby girl! While he’s home for the holidays, you, him, and [name]Catherine[/name] create the spare bedroom into the baby’s nursery.
What does the baby’s nursery look like? Pregnancy Calendars | Baby Development by Week and Month

Four months later, you give birth to the baby. [name]Darren[/name] holds your hand the entire time. You see his eyes light up when he lays eyes on his beautiful, healthy baby girl, and you know you did the right thing telling him the truth. The two of you couldn’t pick a first name, but you settled on a middle name: [name]Catherine[/name], or a variation of it, to honor your baby daddy’s grandmother. You let your little sister pick a first name.
What is your daughter’s name? [name]Briella[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] [name]Price[/name]

You graduate from high school and you’ve moved in with [name]Catherine[/name] permanently. Your daughter’s father helps out, visits almost daily, and calls just as much. He buys his own place close to the college campus and [name]Catherine[/name]'s house after he finishes his freshman year of college. The two of you are closer than ever now that you’re [name]Briella[/name]'s parents. But you’ll never be more than friends…which is probably the best way.