My husband and I love the nickname [name]Xan[/name] for a boy but a close friend has just used [name]Alexander[/name] so we wouldn’t use it. We weren’t keen on [name]Alex[/name] as a nickname so maybe it’s a good thing! Can anyone think of any other boys names that could be shortened to [name]Xan[/name]? Other than [name]Xander[/name] lol!
[name]Christian[/name] would work, abbreviated Xian, gets you to [name]Xan[/name] easily enough. If the religious implications are OK for you.
[name]Xavier[/name] with an N middle name could work. [name]Xavier[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name] or something. or [name]Xavier[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]. You can take this further and anything with an X followed by an An name. [name]Max[/name] [name]Anthony[/name]. [name]Felix[/name] [name]Anselm[/name]. Etc.
If it’s just the sound and not the letter X, maybe [name]Zane[/name] could be nn’d [name]Zan[/name].
Good luck!
Thanks for your suggestions. I particularly like the suggestion of x as last letter of first name followed by ‘an’ sound in second name. We like fairly mainstream names so this works well for us. Thanks!
I love [name]Alexander[/name]. It’s such a great name that has been used for so long, by so many people. If you really like it, I’d think about possibly using it as his middle name and still referring to him as [name]Xan[/name]. I know if I had a friend who wanted to use any of my children’s names, I wouldn’t care personally (there’s a reason that I picked it too…lol). But, I do know that it Really bothers others. Though, using it in a middle spot and with a nn that the other person doesn’t use, I don’t see a problem at all. Especially since it isn’t an uncommon name that you “stole” from them.
[name]Just[/name] a thought.
Why not just name him [name]Xan[/name]?