Okay, this might sound a little silly since I don’t have any children yet at all, nor am I pregnant, but, we were talking about baby names the other night and I actually managed to get DH on board with [name]Beatrix[/name] for a future girl’s name. Woo hoo! So proud of him.
So, that will likely be the name of our future daughter if we have one. But, since the name is so… distinctive, I’m having a hard time finding boys names that “go” with [name]Beatrix[/name] that I really like, should little [name]Bea[/name] end up having a brother (if even she herself will one day exist, lol). Many of my favorite boys’ names are somewhat obviously tied to an ethnicity/background that [name]Beatrix[/name] isn’t. Some are Irish, some are Hebrew, etc. And for some odd reason I’m just falling out of love with most of them these days, and not coming across new boy names I like.
Anyone want to offer some inspiration just to indulge my curiosity/interest in planning this out? What would you pair with a [name]Beatrix[/name]?
[name]Nicodemus[/name] (Why not?! He’s floating my boat the last few days)
There’ve been a lot of great suggestions so far! I don’t think I can even go through and list all of the ones that I like. [name]Beatrix[/name] and [name]Linus[/name] would be really cute.
Some of my favorites suggested so far:
[name]Julian[/name] (too bad it’s so popular!)
[name]Quentin[/name] (similar [name]Quillan[/name] is on our list but I worry about it being a little too unheard of)
[name]Leander[/name] (awesome! [name]Unique[/name] but not modern)
[name]Rafferty[/name] (so cool, I don’t know that I dig the nn “[name]Raff[/name]” though)
[name]Nicodemus[/name] (he floats my boat quite a bit as well, [name]Tara[/name]!
I also love old-timey names like [name]Frederick[/name], [name]Franklin[/name], [name]Abraham[/name], [name]Laurence[/name], etc. But I don’t think DH would go for them because he really loves truly uncommon/unique names.
I love [name]Beatrix[/name], it’s a really wonderful name and there are great namesakes to it.
[name]Amaury[/name] (desperately trying to make this one more popular, in all fairness though, paired with [name]Beatrix[/name] it sounds really cute)
[name]James[/name] (a traditional name, I know, but [name]Beatrix[/name] and [name]James[/name] sounds adorable)
[name]Hugo[/name] (somewhat more “out-there” than the others, but still cute and wouldn’t it be cute with a [name]Beatrix[/name] [name]Potter[/name] and [name]Victor[/name] [name]Hugo[/name], but you might have to be a book nerd to like that :D)
[name]Alfred[/name] (old-fashioned like [name]Beatrix[/name], but also fun and a name that deserves a comeback)
I have a [name]Beatrix[/name]/[name]Bea[/name], and the boy names that I was considering were [name]Theo[/name], [name]Jasper[/name], [name]Roscoe[/name], [name]Hugo[/name]… and [name]Wylie[/name], which doesn’t really fit but I love. I also considering [name]Oscar[/name], [name]Gideon[/name], [name]Luther[/name], [name]Evander[/name], [name]Frederick[/name]… Probably many more, but those are the ones that are coming to mind at the moment.
[name]Ah[/name]!! A [name]Beatrix[/name] mom! You must help me convince my hubs that the name isn’t too “out there” because he’s starting to talk himself out of it, lol! What were your friends and family’s reactions when you announced her name? [name]Do[/name] you think it wears well?
The initial reaction was tough. My parents thought that I was a bit crazy. I’m a [name]Kristen[/name] from the 1980’s, so they like names that are more trendy. But [name]Bea[/name] in particular wears well, and they see that now. It’s easy to remember when people meet her and (I think) wholesome-sounding. And for Halloween, she was of course a bee, so it comes with its own built-in theme that I am fully embracing. I really chose it for the literary connection, which I also like.
Bizarrely, I know of two other Beas in my city who are toddler-aged, but I believe that they are both [name]Beatrice[/name].
And actually, that’s worth a word of warning: when people ask me what her name is, they always hear “[name]Beatrice[/name].” I have started saying “[name]Beatrix[/name] with an x” or just [name]Bea[/name], since that’s what I call her 90% of the time anyway.
She turns 1 on [name]Monday[/name], so I’m not sure how she likes her name yet. But it’s a distinctive enough sound that she gets that she is [name]Bea[/name] and looks up when people say it, so that’s nice. Not every kid in daycare has figured their name out yet.
I was also considering [name]Louisa[/name] ("[name]Lulu[/name]"), [name]Daphne[/name], [name]Greta[/name], [name]Alice[/name], [name]Helen[/name], [name]Cora[/name], and a few other names. I’m happy that I chose [name]Beatrix[/name]. I simply can’t imagine my girl as anything other than [name]Bea[/name].
My husband’s side of the family is packed with trendy names, too, and I’m pretty sure their reaction to any of our name choices (with the exception of one that’s DH’s great-great-grandfather’s name) would not be very welcoming. But! That’s why we’re not going to announce names until after kids are born. I don’t need opinions on naming my kids from people whose kids’ names I hate!
I wondered if many people would hear “[name]Beatrice[/name]” instead of [name]Beatrix[/name]. That’s good to know. And a “built-in theme,” how adorable! I’m envisioning a really cute bee-themed nursery now.
Thanks so much for your insight and sharing your experience with the name. I’ve loved it ever since reading [name]Peter[/name] Rabbit as a little girl!
And a very happy birthday to little [name]Beatrix[/name] on [name]Monday[/name]!