A Character and Family Thread: January 2022


[name_f]Daisy[/name_f] [name_f]Regina[/name_f] [name_m]Barton[/name_m] (27) is the sister of Thea’s boyfriend. She was happy to take in the dog [name_f]Thea[/name_f] rescued and named him [name_m]Jet[/name_m]. [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] was the kid that was always asking if she could pet people’s dogs whenever she came across them. Her family always had at least one pet around the house. They had a good bit of land and so there was plenty room. Though [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] liked the space and the outdoors she’s definitely a city girl. Which is why she moved into an apartment smack dab in the middle of downtown after high school. At the time, she was waitressing at her parents’ restaurant, DAISIES[name_f][/name_f], which is in fact named after her. Since then she has been trained in various positions. Her parents want her to know all the ins and outs of the place when she eventually takes over. She’s been the assistant manager for about a year now and enjoys her job. She’s grateful for the experience she got in various aspects of the restaurant because it’s easier for her to understand how everything works.


[name_m]Even[/name_m] though she loved her somewhat cramped apartment, she and her husband of two months just moved into their first home together. He likes city life just as much as she does so the house isn’t too far from downtown. They met a year ago when his band played live music at the restaurant and [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] was helping out the servers because they were short-staffed. After the band finished their set they were seated at one of her tables and her now husband asked her out. When later asked what had led him to do that, he said he’d seen her trying to help the older couple at the table next to them because the words on the menu were too small and they couldn’t figure out how to pull it up on their phones. She was so patient and sweet that he decided he wanted to get to know her. [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] and her brother have always been close and despite him being the younger sibling, was always very protective of her. [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] attributes this to him being quite blunt and a lot more confrontational than herself. So when [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] introduced her family to her new boyfriend, who was eight years older than her, her brother was slightly wary. The two get on very well now and even have a few shared hobbies.



[name_m]Benjamin[/name_m] " [name_m]Ben[/name_m] " [name_m]Noel[/name_m] [name_m]Barton[/name_m] (24) is Daisys’ brother and Thea’s boyfriend, ‘he of little faith’ as his girlfriend likes to teasingly call him at times. He’s just observant he likes to reply with. Most people are surprised [name_m]Ben[/name_m] is the younger child of his family, given his strong drive and outspoken bluntness, but he shrugs off the ideas of being defined by stereotypes.


While he’s protective and cares about those he loves, fierce in how he shows it, [name_m]Ben[/name_m] also isn’t suffocating or overbearing, as he actually developed this nature because he had a friend who insisted he needed ‘looking after’. This stemmed from the simple fact [name_m]Ben[/name_m] has asthma, something his own parents and [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] never made a fuss about. But his old friend, who was a would-be-doctor, saw things the other way, and basically tried wrapping [name_m]Ben[/name_m] in cotton wool, which he really, really didn’t like.


A skateboarder and free climber, this has influenced the person Ben’s matured into, although he sometimes still wishes he was a little better at brushing things off like [name_f]Thea[/name_f]. His passion for climbing is actually why [name_m]Ben[/name_m] currently works as an instructor at a local in-door center, while continuing his study of ecology, hoping to fully progress into that field eventually.


[name_f][/name_f][name_m]Charles[/name_m] " [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] " [name_m]Norman[/name_m] [name_f][/name_f] Hallahan [ 23 ] is [name_m]Ben[/name_m] 's friend and the would-be doctor, who has since transferred universities and went into Chemical Engineering instaed of Pre-Med. He understood that being too much emotionally invested into patients and giving unsolicited to people in his [name_f][/name_f] surroundings won’t give him any favours [name_f][/name_f], even though he just wants them to flourish. [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] 's girlfriend is a blogger who promotes the idea of women in STEM fields and also studies Chemical Engineering, she is the one who convinced him to transfer bcaus working in a lab and focusing on efficiency is something that he does best, giving people advice and always wanting to be in charge is not exactly the most useful set of character traits a compassionate doctor should have. [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] 's girlfriend tries to teach him that not all people want to be 100% efficient, healthy and the best version of themselves all the time… actually, being at one’s best sometimes involves taking it slow and just chillling, which [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] has a hard time getting accustomed to [name_f][/name_f]- he was always the responsible oldest brother out of the 3 children, having a younger brother and a younger sister who to this day is very irresponsible, a party girl and can’t even take care of the houseplants in her room. [name_f][/name_f] [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] and her are conflicted about it but he knows that ultimately they’re all adults now and all he can do is bicker or call her a loser [name_f][/name_f], especially because [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] 's sister often mentions the lost friendship with [name_m]Ben[/name_m] and humiliates his girlfriend for being " prim and proper", even going as far as to “accidentally” pour red wine on her baby pink dress.


warning: dysfunctional behaviour


[name_f]Georgina[/name_f] " [name_m]Genie[/name_m] " [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] Hallahan (21) is Charlies’ sister, the middle child, and general source of troubles for him, especially where his relationships concerned. Working as a waitress, Genie’s honest about her lack of direction in life right now. She doesn’t want to commit to anything because she doesn’t know where she wants to go in life currently, and her partying is something she does find rewarding: it brings her easy joy and allows her to focus away from her lack of clarity.


A big part of the rivalry between [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] and [name_m]Genie[/name_m] stems from childhood. His determination to become a doctor opposed to her lackadaisical easiness meant she was considered disappointing by their parents in comparison to him, and it made [name_m]Genie[/name_m] doubt her own prospects in a sense. Her continuing lack of certainty only exacerbated this, and it’s also why she’s continued needling [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] about [name_m]Ben[/name_m] falling out with him to this day. [name_m]Ben[/name_m] was someone who never treated [name_m]Genie[/name_m] as a lesser extension of her older brother, and in her own way, she resented Charlies’ words impacting her friendship with him.


Mr and Mrs Hallahan wouldn’t allow [name_m]Genie[/name_m] to talk to [name_m]Ben[/name_m] following this either, furthering her anger towards them and [name_m]Charlie[/name_m]. The fact they’re so fond of his girlfriend is what instigated Genies’ burning resentment of her, as [name_f][/name_f]- of course [name_f][/name_f]- there have been comments made comparing the two already [not that she’d expect anything less from her mom and dad].


[name_m]Genie[/name_m] actually has a decent relationship with her other brother though. He’s considered the slacker to her party girl, but they’re also the only people who talk to each other in the family about what their futures may hold, without feeling disappointment or annoyance will follow these admissions.



[name_f]Anne[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] Hallahan (48) is [name_m]Genie[/name_m] and Charlie’s mom. She is also a mommy to their other brother. She avoids drama and can be constricting in how she wants her grown children to stay away from involvement. Always had this mindset because she didn’t want to also be involved. Her marriage is strong in commitment though weak in attraction lately. Never calls anyone pretentious, even though she sees it. Works in publishing photo books.



[name_m]Albert[/name_m] ’ [name_m]Asa[/name_m] ’ [name_m]Clifford[/name_m] Hallahan (20) is Annes’ youngest child and the brother of [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] and [name_m]Genie[/name_m], who’s pretty consistent in not quite knowing where he wants to go next in life. Like his sister, [name_m]Asa[/name_m] knows what it’s like to be compared to [name_m]Charlie[/name_m], and he’s borderline proud of the dismay their attitudes reap nowadays. When he was little, he’d pester his brother a lot with questions [name_f][/name_f]- usually weirdly philosophical ones for his tender years [name_f][/name_f]- but now the two tend to avoid each other.


He’s never felt the same pressure [name_m]Genie[/name_m] once did about living up to Charlies’ status, and really doesn’t see any point in trying to force himself into a box. Lack of immediate clarity is something [name_m]Asa[/name_m] has been trying to fear less, although he knows his mom and dad don’t really get this aspect of him.


While they’re not what you’d call close, [name_m]Asa[/name_m] doesn’t approve of Genies’ hostility towards Charlies’ girlfriend, but also is the sort of person who doesn’t like to get involved in beef unless he’s absolutely got no other choice. Him being closer with [name_m]Genie[/name_m] also influences this noncommittal stance on things, as [name_m]Asa[/name_m] knows his sister needs a companion and listening ear more than [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] does. Currently he works at a cyber cafe and has a flirtationship (as Genie’s dubbed it) with one of his colleagues, but neither of them are serious about anything. Not yet at least.



Najoua " Dew " [name_f]Danielle[/name_f] Khadem (21) is Asas’ colleague and the person he has his flirtationship with. Having dropped out of colleague after a law degree began causing her to really struggle with anxiety, Dew worries deep down about potentially disappointing her parents, however the original plans she had clearly weren’t right for her. She hasn’t lost her fascination with legal proceedings or the system, it was mostly the timing when she had a lot of stuff going on in her life.


Her long-term boyfriend from high school and her broke up; her grandmother passed away, and there was a lot of drama on her course after two people decided they hated each other just because they could apparently. Dew would love to return to law some day, but she wishes she could have an answer as to when. That’s actually how she became so fond of [name_m]Asa[/name_m] originally, as he helped her stop putting so much pressure on herself to have a date in mind.


Dew is mixed race [name_f][/name_f]- her dad’s Iraqi-American, her mom’s white [name_f][/name_f]- and is an only child, who takes her heritage seriously. Really she can come across as quite a serious person at first glance, which is why her closeness with [name_m]Asa[/name_m] confuses some of their colleagues. She’s got a lot of friends from her paternal community and has visited her extended family when possible, although the difference in culture isn’t something she’s blind to.



[name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] [name_f]Grace[/name_f] [name_m]Porter[/name_m] (50) is Dew’s mother, who kept her last name as a personal decision not to appropriate. In addition, she was very close with her late mother, with both working in performing arts. She misses her mother dearly and wants to be a great role model for Dew. Dew means life to her and she encouraged her daughter to see her culture through. She is one of only two of her friends to marry someone outside their race. She loves her husband and fell right into his arms when he proposed to her.


[name_f][/name_f][name_f]Larissa[/name_f] [name_f]Yuna[/name_f] [name_f]Cho[/name_f] [ 24 ] is the daughter of [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] 's other friend wo married outdide her own race, marrying a Korean man because he had his own restaurant business and his mom was a struggling bartender there. Larisaa always rolls her eyes being told this sotry, especially if reminded of it in front of Mrs. [name_m]Porter[/name_m] and other friends of her mom. [name_f]Larissa[/name_f] may not look like a model student due to her alternative fashion style but she is and has an equally geeky boyfriend, [name_m]Charlie[/name_m]. They both study chemical engineering and she wants to hire a professional editor and voiceover actor for her blog and [name_f][/name_f] for starting her youtube, because she wants to show kids experiments connected to chemistry as well as inspire girls and women to join stem fields. One of her most beloved gothic dreses was destroyed by [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] 's sister [name_f]Genie[/name_f] and while [name_f]Larissa[/name_f] knows it’s probably just envy because [name_f]Larissa[/name_f] at least knows what she wants in life [name_f][/name_f], she can’t help but resent her directionless and confrontational attitude. She also really hopes Mrs. [name_m]Porter[/name_m] 's daughter finds another love interest becasue if Dew and [name_m]Asa[/name_m] get together while she’s still with [name_m]Charlie[/name_m], then [name_f]Anne[/name_f] Hallahan [name_f][/name_f] [name_f][/name_f], [name_f]Larissa[/name_f] 's mom and Mrs. [name_m]Porter[/name_m] won’t stop being nosy about ther relationships in family gatherings [name_f][/name_f]- which [name_f]Larissa[/name_f] hates because she belives in efficiency and getting things done over small talk and gossip [name_f][/name_f], really appreciating [name_m]Charlie[/name_m] for strengthening her drive towards her goals.


[name_f]Aruzhan[/name_f] “ [name_f]Anne[/name_f] “ Hallahan (47) is Larissa’s mother and often chatty with friends. She was born in Kazakhstan and adopted by Hallahans. She often passes as Westerner but grew up feeling more like herself in a world where multiples cultures are accepted. [name_f]Anne[/name_f] is not Korean but relates to her husband in not going by actual first names. [name_f]Genie[/name_f] is also an inspiration to how she was as a child. [name_f]Anne[/name_f] says [name_f]Genie[/name_f] was only trying to repair the already-destroyed dress. [name_f]Anne[/name_f] herself is an expert in repairs and works in the design industry. She imagined herself becoming famous but this is on hold indefinitely.