What do you think of the name [name_m]Lawson[/name_m]? I just stumbled upon it and kind of like it, to me it sounds like the trendy [name_m]Lachlan[/name_m] or [name_m]Dawson[/name_m]. My mother’s maiden name was [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u], so I thought it might be a good way of honoring her side of the family.
That said, there are a few cons…
I’d like my first’s middle name to be [name_m]Thomas[/name_m], to honor family. [name_m]Lawson[/name_m] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] sounds to drawn out, right? Maybe I’m overthinking it.
We are nickname people, not sure what we would call him as a nickname. I guess that would come over time. [name_m]Law[/name_m]? Laws? Hm.
It’s not my usual style, but I quite like it, and it’s beyond perfect as an honour name for [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u]!
[name_m]Law[/name_m] is a cool shortening, or there’s always [name_u]Sonny[/name_u], if you like that? (I do). [name_m]Lawrie[/name_m] or [name_m]Lowe[/name_m] would work too.
I think [name_m]Lawson[/name_m] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] sounds fine! I also like the option of [name_m]Lowe[/name_m] and [name_u]Sonny[/name_u] as nicknames. Might be a bit of a stretch but [name_m]Lars[/name_m] might also be an option for a nickname.
[name_u]Lonnie[/name_u] is another nickname option, but [name_u]Sonny[/name_u] is great.
[name_m]Lawson[/name_m] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] sounds fine to me! [name_m]Lawson[/name_m] seems like the perfect way to pay homage to [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u].
I quite like [name_m]Lawson[/name_m]. Hadn’t thought of it as a name before, but it’s definitely useable. I prefer it without a nickname. [name_m]Lawson[/name_m] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] sounds fine, though may be a bit repetitive if your surname is also two syllables.
I really like [name_m]Lawson[/name_m] and know a 5 year old named [name_m]Lawson[/name_m]. Another option for you is to use [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] with the nickname [name_u]Ren[/name_u] ([name_u]LawRENce[/name_u]).
I used to work with a [name_m]Lawson[/name_m], and he was genuinely one of the nicest and funniest person I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. He never used a nickname but I like the suggestions of [name_u]Sonny[/name_u] and [name_m]Lowe[/name_m]
I like [name_m]Lawson[/name_m] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] as well I don’t think it sounds too drawn out at all
I think [name_m]Lawson[/name_m] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] is fine I don’t think it’s drawn out at all I think it sounds distinguished & handsome I like it.