A Different Kind of Name Chain

So. I pick a name and you use the last two letters in the next name, the last two letters of my name in the first two letters of yours. Then the person after you uses your name. You can have as many names as you want. So I could choose [name]AlexIS[/name] then you choose [name]ISabelLA[/name], then the net person chooses [name]LAyLA[/name], then the next person chooses [name]LAuRA[/name], then the next person chooses [name]RAchEL[/name], then the next person chooses [name]ELLA[/name], then the next person chooses [name]LAurEN[/name], then the next person chooses [name]ENriqueTA[/name], then the next person chooses [name]TAmeRA[/name] and so on and so on. Or I could say…
the next person could say…
the next person could say…
But remember the last two letters of the name have to be the first two letters of the next name.
Have Fun.


















