A feeling...

I know I am only 6 weeks, but I feel like we are having a boy. About a year ago i had a dream and i was holding a little boy with blonde hair blue eyes and his name was [name_m]Solomon[/name_m] [name_m]Henri[/name_m]. God told me it was my baby and too keep him safe. And last night i had another dream that it was a boy. it’s all too early but thought of it was interesting. Has anyone ever had dreams like this?

A few years ago when I was living with my husband (then boyfriend), I had a dream that we were at an ice cream shop. We had 2 kids, a girl and a boy. The girl was maybe 4-5 and the boy was 2-3. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I knew immediately it was a girl because of that dream. When I get pregnant again, I am already assuming it will be a boy but only time will tell! :slight_smile:

Also, my mom went to a psychic several years ago and the lady said I would have a girl and a boy. We don’t really “believe” in that stuff. The psychic was at a silent auction event and she and her friends thought it would be funny to talk to her and just see what she said. All very tongue and cheek.

I had a couple of dreams last pregnancy. I dreamt I was having a boy, but out came a girl :slight_smile:

I had a strong feeling it was a girl from the moment we found out (at 4 weeks). A few weeks later I realized I was just subconsciously hoping for a girl, because that’s what I’m most comfortable with! Ever since then I’ve felt like it’s a boy, but I would bet that’s just an overreaction against my original “girl” thought.

I did have a dream last week that she was a girl, and we named her Inara - which has never been on our list. It is now!

The good news is that any mom has a 50/50 chance of being “right” :wink:
Though studies have found that women actually have a better-than-outside-chance of guessing correctly, somewhere close to 70% accuracy. Crazy, huh?

This is a little different but when my mom was pregnant I kept having dreams that it was a girl and out came a sister.

For some reason, I’ve always, always, always dreamed/assumed I would have a baby girl (at least first). Once we finally got pregnant, I told everyone it was a girl. I just knew. A boy didn’t feel right (whatever that means). We found out at 16 weeks that I was right, it’s a girl. I can’t begin to explain the feeling, it was just pure joy.

But what we all have to remember is that any mom has a 50% chance of being right with their “feeling”! Those are really good odds! And the ones who were right are probably going to be more likely to respond to a question like this (something you always have to think about when talking about data). Unfortunately, as much as the suspense drives some us nuts, there’s no way to know until you know. I just tried my best to enjoy the ride :slight_smile:

I knew from the moment i found out i was pregnant this one was a boy… i don’t know how i knew i just did. I tried to imagine a little girl, and it just didn’t feel right, so needless to say when we went for the gender scan and found out it was a boy i was thrilled, but definitely not surprised :slight_smile:

I’ve never been pregnant, but I do have baby dreams every now and then. My baby is always a boy. I’ve never had a dream where I had a daughter. Because of that I’ve always had a very strong feeling that my first child will be a boy. Only time will tell though!

From the moment I became pregnant with my daughter I was certain it was a boy. Obviously I wasn’t correct.

I find this thread really interesting. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I have thought it is going to be a boy. I have been obsessing over boy names and have gave limited consideration to the thought that I might have a girl. I think maybe I just know how much my husband wants another son, but I guess we’ll know soon enough :slight_smile:

[name_m]Both[/name_m] times that I was pregnant, I had lots of baby dreams about having a boy. I only had dreams about a boy, never a girl!! I ended up with 2 girls.

[name_f]Edit[/name_f]: interestingly enough, [name_m]Solomon[/name_m] is our boy name choice, and I’ve been waiting to use since we were pregnant with our first.,

I had two dreams early on that I was having a boy…in one he had light brown hair and was named [name_m]William[/name_m].

Nope, I have a black-haired little girl!

I had five pregnancy dreams, four about boys and one about a girl. I thought I was having a boy, so it makes sense to me that I had more dreams about baby boys. [name_f]One[/name_f] of them scared the hell out of me, so I’m glad I didn’t have a boy. The girl dream was very different from the boy dreams I saw the name on a pillow ([name_f]Laurel[/name_f], which we didn’t go with) and it was very calm.

This time around I haven’t had any dreams about the baby yet, but I keep dreaming of wolves. My gut says girl, my brain says boy. [name_m]Just[/name_m] five more days and we’ll (hopefully) know!

I had a very realistic dream about being pregnant, having the baby, naming him, bringing him home, years before I was pregnant. The dream was so realistic that in some ways, that ‘baby’ has always been a sort of ‘lost child’ to me. So much so that his name, [name_m]Andrew[/name_m] [name_m]Christian[/name_m], was totally off the table when I was really pregnant.

I’ve never been pregnant but when I was younger I had a dream that I had two daughters but they were taken away from me by someone saying I wasn’t right for them. It was the saddest dream I’ve ever had and so real I woke up in tears. Since then I’ve only dreamt of little boys. So I’m convinced that in the future I will be a mamma to all boys.

With my last pregnancy, I somehow “knew” it was a boy who had blue eyes. I do have a baby boy now with blue eyes, but since my other boys have them too (as does DH) it was probably just my brain working overtime with pregnancy hormones and nothing more. Doesnt mean that what anybody else dreams doesnt come true or anything. I dreamt [name_m]Linus[/name_m] was twin girls in the first trimester several times…one boy, lol.