So my best friend just told me that she is TTC next year! I’m really excited for her and wanted to make her a little gift, like a bundle of items she might find useful. I already have aromatherapy candles, a book about conception, some bubble bath and chocolates. What else would all of you mums have appreciated back in early days? Thanks!
[name_f]May[/name_f] not be a cute idea, but pregnancy and ovulation tests, lol! Those things get expensive after awhile.
haha preggy tests is a good idea also you can get her some fruits, you can read on the internet that there are a lot of useful stuff you can get her so she falls pregnant quicker. i like to browse those articles they make my heart flatter, just thinking about pregnancy and how much happiness it brings to other people…
[name_u]Red[/name_u] leaf tea and a really cute baby outfit to get excited!