A girl born on a Sunday!

[name]Hi[/name] berries!
I was imagine, if I had to name a girl born on a [name]Sunday[/name], what would i choose?
Of course, there is the name [name]Sunday[/name], but I would like something more elaborated, and not so English :), I mean something more international.

I like the name [name]Dominga[/name] (feminization of [name]Domingo[/name]-[name]Sunday[/name] in Spanish), but I can’t find a perfect name that I love!

Can you help me??
All ideas are welcome!



hmmm how about…

[name]Dimanche[/name]- French
[name]Domenica[/name]- Italian
Akosua- born on sunday
Esi- [name]Born[/name] on sunday
Nedelya- Bulgarian