A girl named Bo?!?

We just had a daughter and named her [name]Bo[/name]. It’s a middle name and went with a more feminine name for her first name, but we’re calling her [name]Bo[/name]. Like you, I looked all over for a longer name that we could shorten and didn’t like any of them, so in the end, we just named her [name]Bo[/name].

[name]Isabeau[/name] is GORGEOUS. I also really like [name]Garbo[/name].

Or if you’re feeling particularly nature-y, I think you could also get [name]Bo[/name] from:


I quite like [name]Isabeau[/name].
[name]Isobel[/name] could work and I love it. Others are: [name]Bolivia[/name] and [name]Obelia[/name], that seem plausible to me. Good luck!