What do you berries think of the name [name]Indi[/name]? What do you think a girl with this name would be like?
I love this name as an alternative to the very popular [name]India[/name].
What do you berries think of the name [name]Indi[/name]? What do you think a girl with this name would be like?
I love this name as an alternative to the very popular [name]India[/name].
I like it very much, but I know I would want a more complete name to go with it. It just sounds like a nickname to me. [name]Indigo[/name] is the obvious choice, but could easily be nn for [name]Rosalind[/name] or [name]Lucinda[/name] or something along those lines
I love [name]Indi[/name], but I love it best as a nickname for [name]India[/name]/[name]Indigo[/name]/[name]Indiana[/name].
I don’t know where you live, but in my area [name]India[/name] is not popular at all, actually it’s not even on the top 1000 of the SSA list!
I’m not a fan of it.
I would prefer it spelled [name]Indie[/name], [name]Indi[/name] looks incomplete.
I think [name]Indi/name is a cool nickname for a boy or girl. If I didn’t love [name]Isaac[/name] so much I’d consider [name]Indiana[/name] a little bit more. I love [name]India[/name] on a girl too and I didn’t realise it was that popular?!
I too really love the name [name]India[/name]! I’m not sure it is really that popular in the real world, even though it comes up quite a lot on here. [name]Indi[/name] would certainly be a cute nn but I agree with others that it doesn’t feel complete on it’s own. =]
I love it, and immediately thought of it as a nn for [name]Indigo[/name].
I really like [name]Indi[/name]! I babysit a little girl named [name]Indee[/name] who is adorable. But I do prefer longer versions of [name]Indi[/name]. My favorite would be [name]Indigo[/name].
Good luck
I also feel as if its a nic name to something larger. My friend has a granddaughter named Indali and they call her “[name]Indie[/name]” for short which is cute. [name]India[/name] is not popular at all where I live, I know a little girl who has it as her middle name and an online friend who has an [name]India[/name] as a dd’s first name but that is it.
[name]Indira[/name] has been in my top 5 for a long time with the nn [name]Indi[/name]/[name]Indy[/name]. I think the [name]Indi[/name] part is very tomboy and adventurous in sound - can’t really separate it from [name]Indiana[/name] [name]Jones[/name] in my head.
My cousin used [name]Indi[/name] for her first daughter…[name]Just[/name] [name]Indi[/name]…Its beautiful and her little girl is gorgeous!