A good laugh for the day

My mom sent me this site yesterday:


It has page after page of this lady tearing down parents for the names they are considering in online forums like this one. Some of it I agree with (she makes particular note of over-the-top cre8ive spellings), plenty of it I didn’t agree with (and I’m sure she’d rip right through my naming style too!), but regardless I found her comments hysterical and thought I’d pass it along. :slight_smile:

Disclaimer-- she gets pretty in-your-face and cusses occasionally so don’t expect anything PC or PG!

Thank you for this; it’s hilarious!

My absolute favourite :

Original poster : As a person of Scottish descent, I am just curious - are all you ladies naming your daughters [name]Mackenzie[/name] (or [name]Mykenzie[/name], or Makenzy,ect) out of some loyalty to [name]Scotland[/name]? Or perhaps just a love for haggis? [name]Just[/name] curious.

Not Without My Handbag comment : [name]Do[/name] you honestly think someone naming their daughter Makenzy could find [name]Scotland[/name] on a map?

Thanks for that, [name]Dove[/name]! :slight_smile:

Have a good night!

This woman is pretty hilarious. My favourites so far…

Original Poster: My fiance and I named our first born [name]Cam[/name]'ron, I thougt at the time it was pretty unique but the name was actually pretty common last [name]May[/name]. [name]Just[/name] different spellings.

Reply: Oh dear God, they’ve discovered random punctuation to go with random lettering. Any minute now, they’re going to bust out the umlauts and I’ve going to go into hiding.

Original poster: I like the name [name]Jayden[/name] for a girl and [name]Jaden[/name] for a boy. I’m also thinking of other bisexual names.

Original poster: [name]How[/name] about [name]Lou[/name]? When I was in [name]England[/name], I heard that name and it seemed to have a little tinkle to it. [name]Randy[/name] is good too.

Reply: You weren’t listening QUITE hard enough in [name]England[/name], were you?

WOW! She was pretty rude about somethings. Like insulting Wiccans. And saying that a name someone ALREADY chose for their kid sounded like part of a turkey. If I saw something I had written on that site I would be very upset.

WOW! She was pretty rude about somethings. Like insulting Wiccans. And saying that a name someone ALREADY chose for their kid sounded like part of a turkey. If I saw something I had written on that site I would be very upset.