a little help please?

My husband and I both like [name]Toby[/name] for a boy but feel that its not a stand alone name. DH likes [name]Tobias[/name] but I’m not a big fan and we don’t really like [name]Tobin[/name] what other names could produce the NN [name]Toby[/name]? Thanks!

I know someone with this as a last name and people call him [name]Toby[/name]. Tobeler? I’m not exactly sure on the spelling. Pronounced [name]TOBE[/name]-ler. It’s not really a name, but it’s all I can think of other than [name]Tobias[/name]. [name]Hope[/name] this helps…

[name]Tobit[/name] is a biblical name from the apocryphal Book of [name]Tobit[/name] (he was a [name]Hero[/name], he delivered his wife [name]Sarah[/name] from a demon).

[name]Cristobal[/name] is the Spanish form of [name]Christopher[/name]

[name]Do[/name] you like Tobyn spelled thusly?

Torben is a Scandinavian name meaning ‘thunder bear’

You could go with something like…
[name]Thomas[/name] [name]Byron[/name] where the first syllables of the first and second name sound out [name]Toby[/name].

As long as you didn’t name another son [name]August[/name], you could use [name]October[/name] nn [name]Toby[/name]. =]

[name]Tobiah[/name] without the ‘s’ has a slightly different feel. I do like the suggestion of using first and mn choices to get there.
Or as long as you didn’t name another son [name]August[/name], you could use [name]October[/name] nn [name]Toby[/name]. =]

Thanks for the help! I really like the suggestion of using FN and MN to get there and I actually kinda like [name]October[/name] but since he will be born in [name]March[/name] I’m not sure if I could justify it LOL. Does anyone have more First and Middle combinations they think would work?

Mix and match!




I too like the idea of an [name]October[/name].

I think someone already suggested this, but I knew a [name]Christopher[/name] who was called [name]Toby[/name].

As for mixing and matching, I like the original suggestion of [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Byron[/name]. Wow. That is a handsome, intelligent, gorgeous name if I ever heard one!

[name]October[/name] could work I like it but it’s my birth month so I’m biased :slight_smile: I don’t think it matters if he’s born in [name]March[/name] I know plenty of ppl named [name]June[/name] and [name]May[/name] who weren’t even born in summer so why should the other months be any different. [name]Tobias[/name] is nice too but if your not keen just use [name]Toby[/name] I think it can stand on its own. The only suggestion I really don’t like is [name]Tobin[/name] or Tobyn because it just reminds me of [name]Peter[/name] [name]Tobin[/name] (serial killer and sex offender in [name]Scotland[/name]).
