A middle name for Kai - Leif, Stellan, or Ezra?

See the results of this poll: A middle name for Kai - Leif, Stellan, or Ezra?

Respondents: 27 (This poll is closed)

  • Kai Leif : 3 (10%)
  • Kai Stellan : 19 (66%)
  • Kai Ezra: 7 (24%)

[name_m]Stellan[/name_m] and [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] work as mn’s with [name_u]Kai[/name_u] but not [name_m]Leif[/name_m]. If you want to go all-out in Scandinavian names, [name_m]Stellan[/name_m] is the way to go (I also think the longer the name the better it looks on the page with a short name like [name_u]Kai[/name_u]).

Thank you, mischa. After typing the names, I noticed that I liked the look of [name_u]Kai[/name_u] [name_m]Stellan[/name_m] better.

I lean towards [name_m]Stellan[/name_m] but think [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] works too. I do think [name_m]Leif[/name_m] sounds a little short and choppy with [name_u]Kai[/name_u] as a first. Since you have a two syllable last name I would suggest either a two or three syllable middle with [name_u]Kai[/name_u].

[name_u]Kai[/name_u] [name_m]Stellan[/name_m] just seems like the best choice to me.

Thank you, all.