Some time ago I posted a topic to search for a name for our Bean. We decided that a boy will be named [name]Oscar[/name] and a girl will be [name]Lola[/name]. Now we are looking for a middle name for our little one. We have some names in mind but it can’t hurt to ask your opinions or suggestions. If it’s a help, the last name starts with a C.
Thanks a lot!
[name]Oscar[/name] [name]Henry[/name] C.
[name]Oscar[/name] L”on C.
[name]Oscar[/name] [name]Lou[/name] C.
[name]Lola[/name] [name]Liv[/name] C.
[name]Lola[/name] [name]Louisa[/name]/[name]Louise[/name] C.
[name]Lola[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] C.
[name]Lola[/name] [name]Meredith[/name] C.
[name]Lola[/name] [name]Stella[/name] C.
I love [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Lola[/name]! I like all your boy middle names, and [name]Meredith[/name] the best for a girl; I think the middle names ending in an -a sound a little funny with [name]Lola[/name] since it also ends in an A. [name]How[/name] your last name ends might make a difference too in your middle name choice. You have tons of great suggestions here - I don’t think I can add any! Good luck!
Because [name]Lola[/name] ends in -la, I think that middle names beginning with L make the combination too L heavy. From your list, I really like the flow of [name]Lola[/name] [name]Meredith[/name].
[name]Oscar[/name] L”on C.
[name]Lola[/name] [name]Meredith[/name] C.
Sound the best out of your list. [name]Love[/name] [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Leon[/name] together and I think with [name]Lola[/name] as a first name the middle name shouldn’t end in ‘a’ sound or start with an ‘L’, just for the best flow in my opinion. [name]Meredith[/name] is lovely too:)
[name]Oscar[/name] [name]Henry[/name] and [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Leon[/name] sound nice; the first combo that I thought of was [name]Oscar[/name] [name]David[/name]. I think that the lovely [name]David[/name] is a good foil for the quirky [name]Oscar[/name].
[name]Lola[/name] [name]Meredith[/name] gets my vote
Thanks to all of you who replied. I think we’re settled on the name [name]Lola[/name] [name]Meredith[/name] if it’s a girl (for now!). We really like the flow of the name. For a boy we’re not sure yet. I really like the idea of [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Leopold[/name], but [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Henry[/name]/[name]Henri[/name] and [name]Oscar[/name] L”on are also lovely names, I think.
[name]Lovely[/name] choice good luck with the boy’s names [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Leopold[/name] is bold and I can see a confident, out there boy with this name, [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Henry[/name] is a handsome, conservative choice but equally good choice.