A plain-looking women who cheats on her husband...

I’m working on a modern day novel that takes place in [name]Canada[/name]. I have a character. She’s in her mid 30’s and has been married to a rich man for 10 years. They live in a nice neighbourhood and have a daughter. This character is smart and very bookish. She’s a thinker, has an opinion about everything. She doesn’t always speak out but journals obsessively about everything including how unhappy she is. The character is pretty, but is very plain. She doesn’t wear make-up, her hair is full of split ends but she doesn’t care. Out of boredom and because she is tired of not being happy she has an affair with her new neighbour and she feels no guilt about it.

Anyone have any name ideas?

I don’t know much about how popular these names were in [name]Canada[/name] in the early 80s, but these come to mind:


[name]Rachel[/name] feels very fitting.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. I’m heading out of town for a few days…please keep them coming, and I’ll take a closer look and respond when I get home. Thank you.

[name]Prudence[/name] of course!

[name]Amanda[/name] [name]Harmon[/name]
