This is my first dice rolling game, so please forgive me if it isn’t very good.
Basically, you are going on a quest in a medieval based fantasy land.
First things first, you’ll need a dice roller, preferably the one google gives you.
Let’s start the instructions.
Step #1: Designing your character.
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] for gender:
1 = Female
2 = Male
3 = Non-binary
4 = Your choice
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] for hair color:
1 = light blond
2 = light brown
3 = strawberry blond
4 = orange
5 = dark blond
6 = your choice
7 = dark brown
8 = auburn
9 = black
10 = silver
11 = white
12 = any other color
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] for eye color:
1 = grey
2 = blue
3 = brown
4 = your choice
5 = hazel
6 = amber
7 = green
8 = another color
9 = yellow
10 = purple
11 = pink
12 = heterochromia (your choice of which two colors)
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] for whether or not you have a pet:
1 = Yes (you choose what sort and whether or not it’s going on the quest).
2 = No (you choose why not)
3 = Your choice
4 = It’s more of a Familiar
[name_m]Roll[/name_m] for role in life:
1 = Poor beggar
2 = Peasant (farmer or non-farmer)
3 = Merchant (you choose what type)
4 = [name_u]Noble[/name_u] (you choose which type)
5 = Healer/Medic
6 = Magician
7 = Knight/Guard
8 = Child of the ruler (the heir or not, your choice)
9 = Demigod
10 = Your choice
11 = Assassin/Mercenary
12 = Thief/Bandit
You may choose all other aspects of your character and customize powers and anything else you want.
Step #2: What is the focus of your quest?
1 = The ruler of your kingdom is ill and it’s up to you to find a cure.
2 = A terrible beast is terrorizing villages on the outskirts if your kingdom and you must do something about it.
3 = You have heard stories of a great treasure and want to find it.
4 = Completely your choice.
Step #3: How do you end up on the quest?
1 = Your choice
2 = Your parent(s)/boss/anyone of your choice does not want you to go, but you sneak away to join the adventure anyway.
3 = Like [name_m]Bilbo[/name_m] Baggins, you’re content to stay in your comfort zone. But you have no choice but to go on the quest. It’s your choice as to why you are forced and who forced you.
4 = You chose to go on your own free will and no one really tries to stop you.
5 = The ruler(s) (please name them and assign character traits) ask you to go.
6 = Your best friend (please name them and assign character traits) is going and wants you to go with them.
Step #4: Who joins you? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a maximum of five times to add a maximum of five people. If you roll the same number more than once there’s more than one of that person on your team. You may choose why each person is going with you.
1 = Your best friend (please name them and assign character traits). If you rolled a 6 on step #3, then you have two best friends.
2 = [name_u]An[/name_u] old mage (please name them and assign character traits) and their Familiar (your choice).
3 = Your choice
4 = [name_u]An[/name_u] young thief (please name them and assign character traits).
5 = The child of the ruler (if you are the child of the ruler, this could be your sibling or the child of another important person. Please name them and assign character traits).
6 = Your choice
That’s all for part 1. Stay tuned for part 2!