A rose by any other name...

O_O A decent mix of both of those is actually spot on for me. Eerie! I picked good names for myself :slight_smile:

This is fascinating! [name_f]Fey[/name_f], I’m desperately curious how Sessha would fare in your book. My legal name (Sh@wn) was covered under the SHN, and I can’t help but wonder how that compares to the name I’ve chosen for myself!

Names are a really big deal in numerology, which describes your personality, motivations, life goals, even your future based on things like your full name and date of birth. I’ve always felt strangely disconnected to that sort of thing, like maybe my birthdate is off, because for everyone I know their astrological and numerological profiles are so crazy accurate, but mine don’t seem like me at all. Lately, I have been getting more in touch with my [name_m]Leo[/name_m] self, but the Capricorn moon bit still seems like the opposite of who I am. I full expected to get a Pisces or Cancer moon, all emotion and intuition instead of cold calculation. So weird.

Wow, that was a tangent…sorry! I guess I’m more tired than I thought.

@redwoodfey - I just saw your earlier post! Cool book! This part is mostly true:

“Self-doubting, higher frequency of ups and downs than many; tendency to separate “their emotions from traumatic events”; does well in high stress jobs like emergency work; appreciate quality and don’t shy from demanding the same from partners”

This part is mostly not:

"Deliberate, Protective, Involved / Introverted, Addictive. Privacy is important; doesn’t often offer very private info about self; poised; needs someone romantic and intriguing)

The only names I’ve ever given myself are Moonkai (i’ve had this moniker since I was 11), and Blondine (my name in french class, which is a nickname that my great-grandmother went by)

I’ve also named a couple of characters that were very much expressions of myself: [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] and [name_f]Maggie[/name_f]

I’ve been told I look like a “[name_u]Marion[/name_u]” which is funny b/c that’s my grandmother’s name.

I think if I were to rename myself I’d choose something like “Moonkai Eleutheria Starblade” (I was really set on changing my last name to Starblade for a while there, but luckily hubbercakes talked me out of it, lol)

My sister’s name ([name_f]Briana[/name_f]) also does not suit her. She’s going by [name_f]Freya[/name_f] these days (mostly just online though), but I have always thought she should’ve been a [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f] or an [name_f]Adriana[/name_f]

I’ve always felt like my legal name doesn’t suit me. I remember being in grade 2 and looking for other names to test out in hopes of feeling more like how I want to feel. Honestly, if I didn’t have this almost “alter ego” in [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] as my name, I probably would have thought myself to meek and timid to do half the things I’ve done in my adult life. I don’t think I’m any better or worse for it, but I’m definitely more comfortable and less likely to flake out.

I think this is a great point and I think you’re very right actually.

The type of mother who names her daughter Sunflower [name_u]Prairie[/name_u] is likely going to parent in a different way than a mother who names her daughter [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f], and she’s going to pass on traits to her daughter as well.

Sure, there might be some affect to extremes of names outside of nature/nurture, but I think that aspect is far more important.

I’ve never known another [name_f]Michelle[/name_f] very well. In [name_f]Italy[/name_f] we’re a rare species.
I do know of at least other three. One is a little girl, one is about my age, one is a bit bigger. They all seemed nice and likeable, but I didn’t talk to them very much.

I think my name is a bit mismatched. Not a lot, but a bit. I think [name_f]Michelle[/name_f] is a sweet name, and fits generally extrovert and talkative persons. I am a sweet and cheeky person at heart, but I don’t show it very much. And I’m definitely not extrovert. I can get shy, nervous, annoyed. I can go through a whole day barely saying a word, without knowing why. And I don’t feel that my name shows that part of me.

This is a very interesting thread! I’ve only met two other girls with my name (all of our names are spelled differently, though) and I honestly didn’t find that I had anything in common with them. They were more frivolous and giggly and shallow and I’m a bit more serious. I’ve never cared much for my name, it’s one of those trendy 90’s names and as I’ve gotten older I feel like a toddler in the professional world. I feel like I’m not taken as seriously because of my name.

As for what our names say about the type of parents we have, I’m honestly not sure. My mom wanted to name me [name_u]Sydney[/name_u], but my dad won out and chose my name. I’ve been raised pretty traditionally, though. I think it has more to do with where you grow up. I live in rural [name_u]America[/name_u], so I’ve probably been raised differently than someone from a city or more urban area. I think where your from defines your raising more than your name.

As for whether or not I’d change it, no. I love my parents too much to do that. However, I think I’d have rather been a [name_u]Sydney[/name_u] (I’d go by [name_u]Syd[/name_u]) or evan an [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] (my middle name). Those are more me I think.

I know quite a lot of Cynthias. I’ve never been close with any of them, but it seems like we all have different personalities. I love my name and I think it suits me perfectly, I don’t know about them.

Other moon-y names like [name_f]Luna[/name_f] or Belphoebe can fit me too, I think, but not the others.

Dantea- woohoo, the book got something right. :slight_smile: The theory is the sounds of the names evoke imagery, a word association game in your head. [name_f]Rachel[/name_f], R, racy, ripe, randy, and people react to those images and thoughts, thus shaping how they interact with you. It’s not unlike a lot of the imagery games we all play here on NB.

Sessha- Yup, yup! Let’s see what it says about Sessha. Okay, going with the SH(L) names here. The closest I found to your name was [name_u]Sasha[/name_u], which is pretty close. It also goes with names like [name_f]Shasta[/name_f] and [name_f]Shayla[/name_f]. The Amiable. Gentle, [name_f]Happy[/name_f], Self-Aware / Thoughtless, Distracted, Compulsive. So it’s a sultry S with a hushed H. [name_f]May[/name_f] come across as subdued; put more into relationships than almost anyone; immense hearts; emotional energy to spare; a bit flighty; lots of unanticipated adventures; hard to predict; whimsical; has to work hard for money b/c job satisfaction is way more important than anything else; blossoms working in the “public realm, where they can take advantage of their uncommon social skills”; reliable and solid friend, though it takes time to gain their trust and loyalty; once you’ve earned it, it’s there for life; loyalty is highest ideal; complicated courtships; “they don’t play hard to get, they are hard to get”; natural parents: “the type of parents who make child-rearing look so easy that everyone hates them for it.” haha

Astrology is always very accurate for me. [name_f]Aquarius[/name_f]. Rising sign in Cancer, moon in Pisces. Can’t recall the rest, I got very into it years back, but not so much anymore. It was all very me though. Lots of daydreaming and being too sensitive and weird and opinionated. I think my saving grace with the sensitivity is my ability to turn on the [name_f]Aquarius[/name_f]. I’ve always struggled with my objective side and my emotional side. i think I have split personalities…

[name_f]Moon[/name_f]- I’ve been using redwoodfey since forever, too. Since I was a teenager anyway. So far I’ve never been on a website where it was taken. If it is taken, it always ends up being me, and I’ve just forgotten my password. Moonkai is very pretty. And yes! You look like a [name_u]Marion[/name_u]! I’ve only seen your wedding photos, but I’d say that’s a [name_u]Marion[/name_u]. [name_f]Love[/name_f] the name you’d give yourself. :smiley: I’ve spent this year changing my name. I ended up just changing the surname, but when I was brainstorming I wanted to add some fun middles. I actually have my court date this [name_f]Sunday[/name_f]. I’m getting anxious about it. It’s been almost a year long process, and I need it to be done, but I’m worried it won’t be.

[name_f]Lucia[/name_f]/[name_f]Lucy[/name_f]- that’s so interesting that your other name makes you feel braver. Honestly, I just started this thread out of boredom, but I’m so glad I did as I’m getting some fascinating experiences.

[name_f]Violet[/name_f]- I think maybe when we have a popular name, it gets harder to tell what sort of parents we had. There are so many reasons to pick a name, and lack of imagination is only one reason to pick a top name. It could be an honor name, which would make the parents sentimental, or it could be lack of research, which means maybe the parents don’t think too much about the future. I have a fairly common name, especially for my generation, and I’m named for one of my mum’s cousins. Or a soap opera. It depends on who I ask.

C@- I don’t think I know any [name_f]Cynthia[/name_f]'s. It’s such a pretty name, and one I think of as pretty common, but… I don’t know anyone with your name. I may add it to our list. :slight_smile:

Good chat all.

My name she got from a book, and then decided the spelling didn’t clarify the pronunciation she wanted. She picked it in the '70s and I was born in the '80s, she’d loved it since she was 16. At the time there was no particular spelling “ahead” because they were all equally obscure/ethnic (think [name_f]Shoshana[/name_f]/[name_f]Shoshannah[/name_f]/Shoshanna) and in the '80s one came out slightly more popular. Not mine! lol.

My sister’s name was picked out at the last minute due to family dramas and relatives having manic episodes. My mom has later stated she wished she had picked [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f]. Which doesn’t particularly “go” with my name but at least in '86 would have been pretty uncommon and less of stylistic whiplash. [name_m]Just[/name_m] to complete the effect, my middle name is an EXTREMELY masculine Biblical name, my sister’s middle name is [name_f]Rose[/name_f].

My youngest sibling, a brother, was I think an attempt at balance - he has a classic first name, middle name [name_m]Wolf[/name_m]. (family name).

I’ve encountered other Rachels who shared one of my interests (arts, biology, languages), but they all seemed pretty different to me. I think the sheer number of Rachels makes for a rather motley crew. And I was named after a dog. LOL. I’m pretty sure it was just my mom’s favorite name, even as a young girl. But I feel more like a [name_f]Lene[/name_f], Wolfi, Raychie, or Raych than [name_f]Rachel[/name_f].

I’ve had similar situations with the spelling variations, but whenever I meet another [name_f]Shauna[/name_f], our meeting is so short, I have no idea what any of them were really like. :[

I am a dog person, I will hug anyone who needs it, I think tea and coffee are equally marvelous and if I have a randomly occurring thought or idea, I’ll share it with anyone polite enough to listen (even if they’re confused). Most people who know meseem to agree I would fit in and be happy in places like [name_m]Wales[/name_m] or [name_f]Canada[/name_f]. I don’t know exactly what that means. You can make your own assumptions. :slight_smile:

Does that all sound [name_f]Shauna[/name_f]-like?

O.O Holy crap, [name_f]Fey[/name_f]! That description is positively scary! I can’t speak for the last sentence (not being a parent yet), but the rest of it sounds like something I would write if I were trying to describe myself to someone (although I might be a bit more self-deprecating.) The emotionalness, the accidental adventures, prioritizing my dreams over perfect financial security, the emphasis on loyalty, the complicated relationships…Spooky! Especially when contrasted with my birth name, the only points of which I indentify with are in bold:

I didn’t bold introverted because when I went by Sh@wn, I was still an extrovert. I am an introvert now, but that happened after I began using Sessha as my work and social name instead of just a nickname.

It’s completely trippy to me that the description of my chosen name is basically spot-on, where my birth name profile contains such big inaccuracies. It makes me wonder if I chose the name because it resonated with how I already felt about myself, or if choosing the name and going by it every day somehow steered me in the direction of these character traits? Fascinating thoughts to ponder. Thanks for looking me up!

Sessha, you and I are the same :stuck_out_tongue: We both picked names for ourselves that fit our personalities so much better than our real names! virtual high five

@shaunabee- I’m not really a dog person per se but I I love animals. The rest is completely true of me as well.

I know I’ve mentioned this before somewhere but….
I actually think that my name shaped who I am today. I always knew what [name_f]Alexandra[/name_f] meant and I definitely drew strength from it when things were tough and felt that I needed to live up to it at times.

I do have a similar situation as Sheesha and Dantea had though that when I went from being [name_u]Alex[/name_u] to [name_u]Lexie[/name_u] I embraced my feminine side more. Before I was just a strict tomboy now I enjoy dressing up and being girly and having my SO do the physically heavy lifting. lol.

I think that if I had a different name, I probably would have been slightly different. But this could be the result of being a life long name nerd and always knowing what my name meant and what it’s history was.