The year is 1990.
Add 10 years to every family member’s age.
If you need the link to the dice roller, here it is: Roll a Die
For family members who are under 60: roll a 100-sided die for each family member to find out who (if anyone) has died. If you get 1-96, that person has survived. If you get 97-100, they have died.
For family members who are 60 or older:
Roll a 10-sided die for each family member to find out who (if anyone) has died. If you get a 9 or a 10, they died. Otherwise, they survived.
Roll a six-sided die for each married or engaged couple to see if the relationship has changed:
1 - married
2 - married
3 - married
4 - married
5 - one partner died (you choose which partner)
6 - divorced / broke up
Roll an eight-sided die for each dating couple to see if the relationship has changed:
1 - married
2 - married
3 - married
4 - still dating
5 - broke up
6 - broke up
7 - broke up
8 - engaged
For any single person over 18 (either has never had a relationship, or last round’s relationship has ended), you can roll a six-sided die for their new relationship status:
1 - single
2 - single
3 - dating
4 - engaged
5 - married
6 - married
Every couple where both parents are between 20 and 45 can have children, if you want to add them. Roll an eight-sided die to find out how many children they are adding this round:
1 - 0
2 - 1
3 - 1
4 - 2
5 - 2
6 - 2
7 - 3
8 - 4
Roll a ten-sided die for each new child’s age (if mother would have been under 18 when child was born, roll again)
1 - newborn (nb)
2 - 1
3 - 2
4 - 3
5 - 4
6 - 5
7 - 6
8 - 7
9 - 8
10 - 9
Roll a four-sided die for each new child’s gender:
1 - boy
2 - girl
3 - boy
4 - girl
Roll a six-sided die twice (once for the first name, once for the middle name) to get each new person’s name (this applies to both children and new partners):
1 - a word name
2 - a surname name
3 - a name that contains the “an” sound
4 - an honor name for a family member (roll again if this is a new partner)
5 - a name that starts with a K
6 - a classic name
You can add (or change!) careers for any family member over 18.
To choose someone’s career, use this job generator and pick one from the list it gives you: Job Title Generator — Pick a random job! (
Use this list for last name options:
Top 200 most common surnames in the US: A full list and analysis (
Everyone older than 65 is retired.