Your name: (your choice)
Hubby’s name: (your choice)
You and (hubby’s name) have been married for (roll the dice) months/years. You feel that it is finally the time to start family, but before you bring kids into the world, you need to buy a house. You and your husband decide to settle down in (roll dice, then look below) and live in a house that looks like (describe dream house).
Where do you and your husband settle?
- San [name]Francisco[/name], [name]CA[/name]
- [name]Miami[/name], FL
- A small suburb of a large town in [name]Montana[/name]
- A town near a beach in SC
- [name]Phoenix[/name], AZ
- Your choice
You are glad that you made the move because a few weeks later, you feel sick. You aren’t sure if it is the flu or not so you make an appointment with your doctor. While there, he gives you a pregnancy test and you come back positive! You and your husband are very excited. You have (a) (roll the dice then look below). You name your new baby(ies) (names).
What do you have?
1-2. Boy
3-4. Girl
5-6. Twins (Boy/Girl only)
Boys: FN: Your favorite boy name MN: Your (fake/real) husband’s first name
Girls: FN: Your favorite girl name MN: Your real aunt or grandmother’s name
You and (husband’s name) decide to wait until your oldest is/are at least 2, but life takes you down an unexpected road. You fall pregnant just after your first baby(ies) turn 1. 6 months later, you are put on bed rest. You are having multiples! A month and a half later, you give birth to (roll dice then look below). You name them (names)
[name]How[/name] many babies are you having?
- Twins (G/G or B/B whatever you have less of. If you had twins before it is your choice)
- Triplets (Your choice)
- Quints (Not an even amount of genders. If you had twins before you have 3 girls 2 boys or vice versa)
- Quads (Your choice)
- Sextuplets (Not an even amount of genders)
- Your choice
Girls: FN: [name]Bailey[/name], [name]Leah[/name], [name]Isla[/name], [name]Brooklyn[/name], [name]Nicole[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Mia[/name], [name]Maya[/name], [name]Carley[/name], [name]Caitlin[/name] (any spelling), [name]Emma[/name], [name]Greer[/name], [name]Kate[/name] MN:
Boys: FN: [name]Carter[/name], [name]Jackson[/name], [name]Jacob[/name], [name]Owen[/name], [name]Brady[/name], [name]Brett[/name], [name]Austin[/name], [name]Aidan[/name], [name]Collin[/name], [name]Nick[/name], [name]Niall[/name]/[name]Nile[/name], [name]Rhys[/name], [name]Isaiah[/name] MN:
Girls: FN: Old Lady Names | Nameberry MN: Must start with you favorite letter (both boy and girl mns should start with the same letter)
Boys: FN: Cute Names for Cute Kids | Nameberry MN: Must start with you favorite letter (both boy and girl mns should start with the same letter)
A few years later, your oldest is/are 4 and your multiples are 3. Despite your large family, you decide that it isn’t complete. You know you wont be able to handle more than one child this time, so you decide to adopt, just to make sure. You adopt a (gender) from(roll dice then look below). The birth mother lets you pick the first name, but she choose the middle name.
Your choice (only one baby)
Where do adopt from?
1-3. Internationally (Either [name]Africa[/name], [name]Asia[/name], or [name]Russia[/name])
4-6. Domestically (Choose state (if not from the U.S, choose somewhere close to your home)
Girl: FN: 195 Cool International Girl Names | Nameberry MN: [name]Paisley[/name]
Boy: FN: 175 Cool International Boy Names | Nameberry MN: [name]Logan[/name]
Now everyone is 2 years older. The oldest is/are 6, the multiples are 5, and your new addition is 2. You are ready for another baby and miss little feet around, but instead you vouch for a puppy. It is a boy and you name him (cute boy pet name).
The next year, your sister, (her name), who is 16 (your parents were foster parents and they adopted her when you were in college), is pregnant. Everyone including herself, is devastated. She wants you to take in her baby and you agree. [name]One[/name] day she asks you to go to her ultrasound with her. You agree and are glad to go. Towards the end of the ultrasound, (sister’s name) asks what the gender of her baby is. Her technician said, “Well, the first one is a girl, the second one is also a girl. And surprise! A boy!” Wow! It is triplets? You go home overwhelmed and talk it over with your husband. He says that since you already agreed and you can’t abandon both her and the babies, you adopt them a week after their birth. Your sister chooses the first names and you and your husband choose the middle names.
Names: Girls: FN: [name]Aria[/name], [name]Emaleigh[/name]/[name]Emalie[/name], [name]Alysen[/name], [name]Mona[/name], [name]Hadley[/name], [name]Zoe[/name], [name]Haelie[/name], [name]Ashlee[/name] MN: [name]Edie[/name], [name]Amanda[/name], [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Meredith[/name], [name]Kristen[/name], [name]Kelli[/name], [name]Lindsey[/name]
Boys: FN: [name]Ezra[/name], [name]Wren[/name], [name]Alik[/name], [name]Jace[/name], [name]Luke[/name], [name]Graham[/name], [name]Zack[/name], [name]Karter[/name] MN: [name]Gus[/name], [name]Jeff[/name], [name]Ben[/name], [name]Aaron[/name], [name]Adam[/name], [name]Kevin[/name], [name]Ian[/name], [name]Carlos[/name]
Now (your oldest’s name(s)) are 9, (multiple’s names) are 7, (adopted baby’s name) is 4, and (triplets’ names) are 1. You know that you have a very large family as it is, but you feel that it your family isn’t complete. You need one last baby of your own. Not adopted, not from your family. Your own. You try and try and try. After 3 months, you are finally successful and quite excited when you are sure that is only one. A boy. He weighs 6 lb and 4 oz on [name]Christmas[/name]. You name your for sure last baby (roll dice then look below ,name). However, during delivery, you find that there is a little girl inside there also! You name her (roll dice then look below, name).
Girls: FN: 1. [name]Natalie[/name] MN: Girls names that friends would think are cool | Nameberry
2. [name]Christina[/name]
3. [name]Josie[/name]
4. [name]Nevaeh[/name]
5. [name]Holly[/name]
6. [name]Noelle[/name]
Boys: FN: 1. [name]Nicholas[/name] MN: 108 Boy Names Dads Like More Than Moms | Nameberry
2. [name]Nathan[/name]
3. [name]Kristopher[/name]
4. [name]Gabriel[/name]
5. [name]Joseph[/name]
6. [name]Pax[/name]
The End! [name]Feel[/name] free to add grandchildren, more pets, pictures, or descriptions.