A Tough Guy To Name....

For months I’ve been having issues with this character.

Here is some info on the character. He is 35 years-old. He has blue eyes, fair hair. A major player in everyway. He looks good at 7am in jeans full of holes, a AC/DC t-shirt, and sporting a 5 o’clock shadow. He also looks good clean-shaven in a tux. He is dangerous because he’s book smart and street smart. He prefers to be alone and not to talk much but when people are around and he’s stimulated in any way he talks, flirts, and is sometimes confrontational…he just can’t help himself. Most men hate him but if they are around him end up liking him sometimes even showing respect for him. He becomes a complete softie when he sees any women cry. He’s from the southern states but has been all over the world. He is a security guard in a prison. He has friends in high places and low places.

I know I want to use [name]Brody[/name] as the meaning plays a big part with this character. I’m not sure if I want [name]Brody[/name] to be the first name or the surname. My problem is nothing really fits with it.

So I’m looking for something to work with [name]Brody[/name]. I would also take suggestions away from [name]Brody[/name].


[name]Dante[/name] [name]Brody[/name]
[name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Brody[/name]
[name]Brody[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name]

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m going to add them to my list. I don’t mind [name]Dante[/name], but [name]Sebastian[/name] I’m not feeling. It feels to…artsy if you know what I mean. Though this character would think he’s a work of art. LOL.

I was just talking to my sister (she writes too) and she said [name]Mason[/name] Prowse. I feel [name]Mason[/name]…not sure on the surname though. Any thoughts?

[name]Mason[/name] is good however I picture a [name]Mason[/name] having dark hair

[name]Levi[/name] [name]Greer[/name]
[name]Warren[/name] [name]Gardiner[/name]
[name]Callaghan[/name] O’Dowd
[name]Gareth[/name] Smylie
[name]Timothy[/name] [name]Logan[/name]

Really? Umm…I related certain names to light or dark too. Most Mason’s I’ve come across in person, on t.v…all have light hair. I guess everyone is different. Thanks for the suggestions.

I like Greer for a surname…not sure about Levi though.
I like Warren, but I knew a guy in high school named warren and he was so friggin annoying…that is all I see. LOL
I love Callaghan O’Dowd together. It’s a mouth full but could have the NN Cal. Maybe sounds too Irish though considering this guy is from the southern states.
I love Gareth and it’s meaning, but with a different surname.
Tim Logan…sounds too…I don’t know. I’m just not feeling it.

I’ve never been a fan of the name [name]Fletcher[/name], but it’s meaning is interesting. The whole arrow thing in relation to this character being a heartbreaker…cupid thing. LOL

I also like these surnames [name]Lanford[/name], [name]Landry[/name], [name]Lowell[/name], [name]Ludlow[/name]…they may work with [name]Gareth[/name] or [name]Mason[/name].

I like [name]Mason[/name]! Have you decided on it yet?

I’m not quite sure why, but the first name that came to mind for him was “[name]Romy[/name]”, and I don’t even usually think of [name]Romy[/name] as a male name. Maybe [name]Roman[/name] nicknamed [name]Romy[/name]?

Other first name suggestions …

[name]Locke[/name] / [name]Lachlan[/name]


Beaumont / Beaufort / Beaufoy
[name]Conroy[/name] / [name]Conway[/name]

Thanks for all the great names. I’ve got to go with [name]Mason[/name] for this character. It really fits and I can’t get it out of my head.

Now to pick a surname. It’s hard with the ‘S’ in the middle.

Let me know if any of these stand out:
[name]Boswell[/name], [name]Bauer[/name], Boyle, [name]Boyer[/name], [name]Beck[/name], Brear, [name]Burkett[/name]
[name]Calder[/name], [name]Callaghan[/name], [name]Carlisle[/name], Cartwright, Coates, [name]Colbert[/name], [name]Conway[/name], Coyle, Crowley, Cribbie, Cushman
[name]Decker[/name], Dowd, Dunlop
[name]Foley[/name], [name]Fowler[/name]
[name]Gallo[/name], Goodrich, [name]Greer[/name], [name]Grey[/name], Greenwood, Groves,
[name]Hobbes[/name], Holbrook, Horn
Lange, [name]Lanford[/name], [name]Landry[/name], Lashbrook, [name]Lowell[/name], [name]Ludlow[/name]
[name]Ramsay[/name], Riddell
[name]Sanderson[/name], [name]Sheridan[/name], [name]Sherwood[/name], Stahl, [name]Stewart[/name]
Tarlow, Telford

[name]Marcus[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Brody[/name] is the first name that came to mind.

Thanks. I have [name]Mason[/name] stuck in my head now and that is all I see when I look at the character. I think it’s the whole brick wall thing. This character is hard to get though too…he’s stubborn.

I’ve been working the last few hours and have narrowed it down to the following surnames:
[name]Bauer[/name]…a favorite
[name]Boyer[/name]…a favorite
Crowley…a favorite
Goodrich…a favorite
Langford…a favorite

I’d love some help to decide.

[name]Mason[/name] works very well for your character. I think the surname Dunlop works best. [name]Bauer[/name] is already very action-star a la [name]Jack[/name] [name]Bauer[/name], and the others are okay… I just really like the sound of [name]Mason[/name] Dunlop!

  • [name]Athena[/name]

OK, so [name]Mason[/name] Dunlop is an option.

I’m still pondering surnames.

[name]Mason[/name] [name]Beck[/name]…I like [name]Beck[/name] because of it’s 1 syllable. It seems to add a little edge to the name.
[name]Mason[/name] Bonney…I run this name by my Dad and he said, “Oh, you mean like [name]William[/name] H. Bonney aka [name]Billy[/name] The Kid?” I never thought about it, but this character has a recklessness about him just like [name]Billy[/name] The Kid. The problem I have with using Bonney is there are too many ‘N’s’ especially with the ‘n’ in [name]Mason[/name].

Good News. I’ve spent some time writing today and used [name]Mason[/name] Dunlop and it’s growing on me. So, I think I’ll stick with it.
