

I know a young girl with this name, and I feel like it has grown well with her as she has aged, and will continue to into adulthood. It’s different and wouldn’t be heard too often on the playground, but still familiar enough to not be strange. The only thing is that there are many different variations on how to spell the name, so that could be an obstacle, but not too insurmountable.

I’ve met several Aaliyahs (various spellings) - it’s a sweet and sophisticated name

It’s such a beautiful name!

Pretty enough sounds. I’ve come across several, with a range of spellings, as well as many similar names such as [name_f]Aria[/name_f], [name_f]Isla[/name_f], [name_f]Ella[/name_f], which are also each very popular. The number of similar names and the number of spellings puts me off I’m afraid.

[name_f]Adore[/name_f] the name [name_f]Aaliyah[/name_f]! It’s so sweet, and statistically popular, but it isn’t one I hear too often working with children anymore? I hear it mainly on older children, ages 6+. It’s a lovely choice!

I hear this name all the time and it’s lost a lot of its appeal for me. Plus the range of spellings I’ve seen for it (Aaliyah, [name_f]Aliya[/name_f], [name_f]Aleah[/name_f], [name_f]Aalia[/name_f] and more) really puts me off this name.

However that could very well just be because it’s so popular in my area and you might not have the same problem. And it does have a beautiful meaning and soft sound

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Like @libelluleClaire, I’ve just seen this name too many times and with too many spellings so I’m a bit over it.

But that’s my prob not yours. The name is genuinely lovely.

It’s a beautiful name!

[name_u]Love[/name_u] the way it sounds, but have a hard time finding a spelling of it that I like.