So, recently I had put together a list of my favorite names under each letter. This took me about a week to put together, and I used listography since it’s really easy to organize. It was really actually interesting to see which letter I have more names in, and which have more gender wise. Example of that would be like how I have 4 girl names under the letter D, but 13 D letter boy names that I like, though I do like two of them unisexed as well. But, I also found some matched, like for example I have 9 names for each gender in the letter C. I put together how many each letter has gender wise, so here is my score:
each * is a unisex name that counts for both genders. a
g: 30
b: 17 b
b:2 c
g: 9
b: 9 d
b:13 e
g: 19*
b:11 f
g: 4*
b:8 g
g:3 h
b:10 i
b:3 j
b:13 k
g:6 l
g:16 m
b:16 n
b:6 o
g:3 p
b:2 q
b:3 r
g:11* s
b:6 t
g:7* u
g&b: 0 v
g: 8
b:2 w g:3
b:10 x
b:2 y
b:0 z
b: 3
g: 1
how many names do you like under each letter? which gender has more? I found this really fun to organize my names that I like, and I wonder if I will add more as time goes on, as well because even this week I find myself crushing on a few names I wasn’t last week.
Quick summary, I didn’t realise how many C names I liked for girls, or how close my boy vs girl numbers are for letters where I have fewer favourites. I know I have way more girls than boys, but I didn’t think they were only 1 or 2 names apart for less popular letters.
Most popular letters: Girls- A, E, and L, for Boys- A and L
Least popular letters: Q, Y, and U for both
My totals should be 174 and 99.
@myostis I find it interesting that almost all your boy names start with A’s. I also like how you put the least favorite, and most favorite for each letter.
I also didn’t know that how many boy names and how many girl names I liked were so close and that I like more boy names than girls. I always thought I liked more girls names, so that was interesting.