Acer / Latin Plant Names?

Acer is the latin name for maple - my husband’s hobby is botany and he just suggested it as a name for our new guy. I think it’d be a better middle name, but I like it. What do you all think?
Any other latin plant names that would work for baby names? There must be so many that would be great!

It’s also a lame computer brand.

It doesn’t ring ‘lovely rare botanical,’ unfortunately. It sounds like racer with the R chopped off.

I want to like it, but I just think of computers. Maybe Alder?

I think it would make a great middle name.

As a first I hear “ace her”

I have a little Acer netbook

My fave boy botanical name is Zephyranth but in Latin it’s Zephyranthes “zephyr-an-theez”

I like this page
I like Rubus, [name]Vitis[/name], Morus, and [name]Valerian[/name]

Here’s a much longer list with the proper pronunciations. I haven’t had a chance to go through all of them

Not wild about Acer I’m afraid.
I love Acanthus for a boy- never seen it used as a human name, but I was considering it as a middle. I suppose it could get you to the nickname [name]Ace[/name] if you really love the “ace” sound.
Anyway, acanthus is such a beautiful, fierce-looking plant. Also known as “bear’s breeches!” Acanthus leaves are a common motif in architectural ornament, Corinthian columns…