I know we really should be cutting down our list of possible middle names for Alexander, but we still haven’t been able to 100% agree on any of the names we’ve looked at so far – right now our front runners are probably Marius, Mordecai, Krzysztof, Konrad, Ulysses, Caspian, or some form of Cosmas, but I’m not jumping up and down about any of them just yet – so maybe the answer is adding MORE names to the list. These are a few that I’ve been tossing around lately.
Alexander Carmine (pronounced the Italian way Car-mee-neh, not Car-mine)
Alexander Seville
Alexander Wolfgang
Alexander Ferdinand
Alexander Judicael
Alexander Misael
Alexander Wulfric
Alexander Miroslav
Alexander Nehemiah
Alexander Horatio
Alexander Gianpaolo
Alexander Breccan
Alexander Ciaran
Alexander Massimo
Alexander Orion
Alexander Stellan
Alexander Clement
Alexander Clovis
Any winners among those? Thoughts? Maybe even more suggestions? (With Alexander, we don’t want an “A” name or one that ends with -er, and I’m not really a fan of surname names, but other than that, we’re open to almost anything. Bonus points if the name is biblical/saintly, Polish/generally Slavic or Italian, or related to music in some way.) Thanks!