[name]Hi[/name] all.
We currently have an 11 month old girl, [name]Mila[/name] [name]Arden[/name]. At some point OH and I are definitely going to have another baby, and this baby will more than likely have 2 middle names rather than just the one my daughter has (as I have become far more interested in names since she was born, strangely enough.
We have been considering adding in another middle name for her next month, on her first birthday. Not only would it be a special kind of “present”, but it would then mean that as she grew up, she and her future sibling will both have 2 middle names.
Is that too much of a weird thing to do? [name]Will[/name] she mind if she grows up with less names than her sibling? I would really like to pick 2 middle names for my next baby, but am not sure if I would if we keep [name]Mila[/name]'s name the same… Thoughts?
Yeah, I really like this idea, too! I don’t think it would be a particularly bad thing if one has one mn and one has two, but I do think it’s better if they’re balanced. All best!
I agree, also! I really like the idea of 2 mn’s, and it wasn’t something I thought of until joining NB. Unfortunately, my children are too old now (13 and 9 years old) for me to consider it!
While I don’t think it’ll really hurt your daughter if she has fewer names than her siblings I do think that adding a name at a year is a sweet idea. I especially like it if it’s a name with some significance to you or your family. It sounds like a wonderful present. I say go for it!
I agree with the previous posters - definitely a sweet idea, especially as you could pick a name which reflects her personality. I’ll add that I know several people who either have more or less middles than their siblings, and it never seems to be an issue (although I do remember one acquaintance being miffed because she didn’t get any, and her siblings did), so if for some reason you decide not to add a name, I don’t think it will ever bother your daughter too much - and if it did, she could always choose her own second middle name when she’s older.
Ooh, surprised but happy at the positive feedback! Now I’m wondering if any of you have any suggestions that go with [name]Mila[/name] [name]Arden[/name]. Her surname is also two syllables (didn’t think about that at the time) ending in “er” so I think a longer name would work best.
My little [name]Mila[/name] is a real character already. I suspect she will be a complete chatterbox as soon as she can talk as she is very outgoing, happy and a total flirt with strangers! She’s a ball of energy and has a great little sense of humour already and thinks everything (especially people wearing hats ) is hilarious. But she also has a sweet and cuddly side. She has a mop of brown hair, grey-green eyes, long black eyelashes and skin that’s just bordering on olive.
I hope the above description helps to give you some ideas.
[name]Hi[/name] again! Out of curiosity: would you put this name after [name]Arden[/name], before [name]Arden[/name], or are you flexible?
Either way, I like the three you’re considering! [name]Sylvia[/name] seems a bit of the best fit for some reason, but that’s just me. The other two fit too.
As to suggestions, I can’t resist: I held my tongue earlier but [name]Mila[/name] is a name I adore and would consider using. I love the name [name]Roxana[/name] paired with [name]Mila[/name] and she sounds exactly how I envision someone with [name]Roxana[/name] / [name]Roxey[/name] somewhere in her name, both in appearance and personality! Anyway, not to sweat at all if you don’t like it, obviously this stuff is so heavily taste-specific, but that is the name I always put with [name]Mila[/name] in my head, and that really is my thought with that name! I also like [name]Mila[/name] together with [name]Johanna[/name]…but to me she sounds a little less like a [name]Johanna[/name], but maybe to you it fits? That’s my two cents : D.
Of the three options you’re considering, I like [name]Sylvia[/name] the best. I imagined color names while reading your description of [name]Mila[/name]. [name]Violet[/name], [name]Indigo[/name], [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Ruby[/name]? [name]Vivian[/name] and [name]Evelyn[/name] fit her as well- I could see her with the nicknames [name]Viv[/name] or [name]Evie[/name].
I think I’d rather add another name after [name]Arden[/name], just because we’re so used to her being “[name]Mila[/name] [name]Arden[/name]” now that it would feel odd to split the two names up.
Hmm, not sure about [name]Roxana[/name]. I totally agree it does sound very appropriate for her and her personality - very vibrant and fresh. But I don’t really love the name itself… And even though the name is for her, I still want to give her a name that I love too if that makes sense
[name]Glad[/name] you agree it sounds right : D! Cool that it’s not for you - like I said, taste is tricky! It should definitely be one you love of course! All best!
I like [name]Indigo[/name]! Maybe not [name]Viviane[/name] but [name]Viviana[/name]. I also really like [name]Evelyn[/name] - we had it on my shortlist - but discarded in the end as my best friend is an [name]Evelyn[/name].
Other names I am pondering: Rosamel, [name]Rosita[/name], [name]Rosabelle[/name], [name]Romilly[/name], [name]Ophelie[/name], [name]Josephine[/name], [name]Delphia[/name], [name]Noemie[/name], [name]Odella[/name], [name]Calanthe[/name], [name]Elodie[/name], [name]Georgiana[/name], [name]Azalea[/name], Thessalie, [name]Benedetta[/name], Luliana, [name]Lilia[/name], Belaflore, [name]Callia[/name], [name]Quirin[/name], [name]Aliza[/name].
OK. I have talked it over with OH and our “name gift” when she turns one is either going to be [name]Ophelie[/name] or [name]Noemie[/name]. [name]Both[/name] are pretty 3 syllable names. [name]Noemie[/name] has the perfect meaning for us - “my delight”. [name]Ophelie[/name] does not have the wonderful meaning that we wanted, but it has the feel - so light and sweet and fresh somehow.
I think [name]Mila[/name] [name]Arden[/name] [name]Ophelie[/name] is sublime! Plus there’s a tiny, immature, 6 year old part of me that would hate to have [name]MAN[/name] as my initials
I think I am leaning towards [name]Ophelie[/name] too, even though the meaning isn’t as great. I guess either the initials ([name]MAN[/name] or MAO) aren’t great, but thankfully there is an extra initial from our surname on the end to make it less obvious.
I think it’s a good idea, but I think if you’re going to give the second mn at age 1, you should do the same for your second daughter, otherwise the second one for [name]Mila[/name] might look like an afterthought. Others seem to suggest it’s not a big deal, but it’s a thought.
While I really, really loved [name]Blythe[/name] from your original suggestions, I prefer [name]Mila[/name] [name]Arden[/name] [name]Ophelie[/name] from your finalists. I do foresee pronounciation problems with [name]Ophelie[/name] (Oh-fee-lee, Oh-fay-lee, Uh-feel-ee, [name]Ah[/name]-feh-lee) for US Emglish speakers, but I doubt this is a big problem for a second middle name.