[name]Layne[/name] is a family name and dh would really like to use it for a baby girl. He actually suggested Adelayne/Adalayne with the nickname lainie (btw, with the [name]Layne[/name] spelling, how would you spell lainie? laynie? [name]Layney[/name]?) He rarely has suggestions and Adelayne [name]June[/name] is growing on me. Thoughts? Suggestions - how popular do you think the ‘[name]Ada[/name]’ names are going to be in the next 10 years?
btw - other names we’re considering
[name]Layne[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] or [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Layne[/name]
[name]Eliza[/name] [name]June[/name]
[name]Josephine[/name] [name]Rae[/name]
[name]Lydia[/name] [name]June[/name]
I like the idea of Adelayne! There’s Adelise, and [name]Adeline[/name], and [name]Adelaide[/name]… why not Adelayne, too? I like the [name]Adelaine[/name] spelling more, though. A good friend’s daughter’s name is Avelaine (which she says is a French form of [name]Aveline[/name]? I don’t know much about it but her mom found it in a French baby name book just before she passed away, which is how little Avelaine got the name), and I think that’s gorgeous, so I think [name]Adelaine[/name] could work just as well. It might get confused for [name]Adelaide[/name] a lot, though!
If you plan on using [name]Lainey[/name] as a nn, I would just go with whichever appeals to you most. [name]Just[/name] because you spell it [name]Layne[/name], I don’t think you really have to stick to the [name]Layne[/name] part for [name]Layney[/name]/[name]Laynee[/name]/etc. You could opt for [name]Laney[/name], [name]Lainey[/name], [name]Lainie[/name], etc.–whichever spelling appeals to you the most. There are a lot of spellings, haha!
[name]Adalyn[/name], Adylinn, and [name]Adison[/name] and its variants are names I see a lot in my local birth announcements. I think they will be very popular. I love the nickname [name]Lanie[/name] though.
I like it. As to the nn you can spell it however you want, that’s sort of the point of the nn. I vote [name]Laney[/name] as that is my one daughter’s nn (full name [name]Delaney[/name]).
I do like the [name]Adelaine[/name] spelling. I’ll have to check with dh and his family though. [name]Layne[/name] is special, so we’ll likely keep it that way. I do like [name]Lainey[/name] though
Adelayne has a pretty sound but that Y really bugs me. It looks tryndee. Have you considered spelling it [name]Adelaine[/name] and calling her [name]Layney[/name]? I don’t think a nickname has to completely correspond with the name on the birth certificate when it comes to spelling.
From your list of other names, I like [name]Eliza[/name] [name]June[/name] the most.
milliesue, what di you end up going with? We named our daughter Adelayne - she’ll be 4 next week. We found the name on an Irish baby name website. It was one of the few names we agreed on. If you want to go with the [name]Layne[/name] nickname, start from the beginning. That was our intention and her nickname quickly became [name]Addie[/name]. No turning back now. First/middle = Adelayne [name]Reese[/name].
It is rather nice,but as others have said y’s are so trendy at the moment. I do like what you’re going for though,it’s a lovely touch to naming your daughter.