Advanced search options?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! Sorry if this has been posted about already but I can’t find it anywhere. I was just wondering what was behind the changes to the advanced search options, as it is no longer possible to search for names by beginning/middle/end letters? I found this feature really handy and am sad to see it go.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

As far as I know, this feature still exists. To access it, you need to click on the “Advanced Search” button next to the search bar.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

When I posted this the actual advanced search option itself was still there but when I clicked onto it I was unable to search by letters- it only provided options to look through names by origin etc. However, I have just tried now in a different browser and it’s working fine, it must just be an error with how the site displays for me in Firefox. Hmm, odd! Anyway, I can use another browser to search. Thank you again for your response!