Advice! Sister wants to name baby similar name!

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] all! So I need some advice, my husband and I have loved the name [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] for 2 years now and are having a girl due in [name_u]August[/name_u]. My sister has known about this and just told me she wants to name her baby [name_f]Makenna[/name_f], she is due in [name_u]June[/name_u]. I think she thinks its different enough from [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] but I feel like they will end up calling [name_f]Makenna[/name_f] “Kens.”

Am I crazy hormonal and overreacting? Should we change our name? Thanks!!

I don’t think you should change your name. [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] and [name_f]Makenna[/name_f] are different enough, and it’s not as though your daughters will have the exact same name, so there are options for other nicknames with [name_f]Makenna[/name_f] too. I think it’s fine. A niece in our family is [name_f]Audrey[/name_f], but we have [name_f]Aubree[/name_f] on our list. We don’t plan on changing it though, because they’re different enough in our minds.

They are two completely different names. They would be too similar if they were [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] and [name_f]Makenna[/name_f].

[name_f]Makenna[/name_f] is different enough from [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u]. Kens is way too close, but as long as she’s not dead set on that nickname, I think you guys are fine.

I think you should go ahead with using the name you love and let her go ahead and use the name she loves. Both names are similar, yes, but not too similar that it can’t be done.

I think it would be fine to have a [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] and a [name_f]Makenna[/name_f] in the same family, since they’ll be cousins rather than siblings. (I do think they would be a bit close for siblings.) Your sister clearly doesn’t have a problem with it, since she knows you want to use [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] and chose [name_f]Makenna[/name_f] anyways. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if her daughter goes by Kens most of the time, maybe she’ll be known as [name_f]Makenna[/name_f] within the family and Kens to everyone else, or have a special family nickname. My sister is [name_f]Kristen[/name_f] and we have a cousin [name_m]Christopher[/name_m] (older than my sister) and it’s never been a problem. My sister always uses her full name and my cousin is [name_m]Christopher[/name_m] within the family but [name_u]Chris[/name_u] to his friends.

My name is [name_f]Emma[/name_f] and I have a cousin named [name_f]Emily[/name_f]–we are both referred to as “[name_f]Em[/name_f]” regularly, but she is 12 years younger so it doesn’t get too confusing! I think I would think of another name to have as a backup and see how you feel once your sister’s baby is born, since she is due first. If people in the family are calling her “Kens” or “[name_f]Kenna[/name_f]” then you have a last minute option if you feel weird about it, but if not just stick with your name!

I do think they’re similar, but not so similar that her using [name_f]Makenna[/name_f] should be a deal breaker for you. If she intends on using Kens as a nickname, though, that’s a different story. Does your sister know that you were planning on naming your daughter [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u]? If not, maybe this would be a good time to tell her and find out what her plans are. Iron out the details while there’s still plenty of time!

As long as your sister doesn’t name her child [name_f]Kenna[/name_f] or [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u], you’re fine. :slight_smile: