Aeric, Aerick, or Aerrick? [poll]

I’m not usually down with “creative” spelling, but I’ve got to say I kind of love the way “[name_m]Aeric[/name_m]” looks, and the addition of the A makes sense to me, because of words like aerial and aerie. It gives it a sort of enchanted look.

umm…[name_m]Eric[/name_m]. I hate misspelled names.

[name_m]Aeric[/name_m] will one day wish you just went with [name_m]Eric[/name_m].

Why is everyone being rude and disrepectful? She wants your opinion on the three spelling options that she has provided and clearly stated she did not want any negative feedback. [name_m]How[/name_m] can you all be so hurtful? If you dislike her name choices then move on to another post.

I’d go with [name_m]Eric[/name_m]. These spellings look like they belong to Game of Thrones characters. Also, a nickname never has to be set in stone before a child is born. Some nicknames just happen.

With a name as short as “Eric” I doubt he’d go by a nickname often. Even if he did, you could still spell it “Aer” if you wanted.

If you really want to begin his name with “Ae,” I’d suggest the simplest spelling – Aeric. He’ll go most of his life having to correct people, so it seems like it would be easiest to go with the spelling closest to the original for him to say “Eric, but with an ‘Ae’ at the beginning.”

You’ll find posters on nameberry are not, almost as a rule, fans of unusual spellings, so take our advice with a grain of salt.

[name_m]Aeric[/name_m] is the best but I would pronounce it [name_f]Air[/name_f]-ick.

I kind of like the name [name_m]Aeric[/name_m].

[name_m]How[/name_m] will it be pronounced? If I read the name [name_m]Aeric[/name_m] (or any of the variations beginning with Ae), I’d instinctively pronounce it:
A-er-ick, and not [name_f]Air[/name_f]-rick. However, maybe I’m in the minority with this confusion.

Since the OP is is the US, I would strongly suggest using [name_m]Aeric[/name_m]. It is the one with the best chances of being accepted. Your son will wind up saying “[name_m]Eric[/name_m] with an A in the front…” for the rest of his life, though.

Not worth the confusion for the child. I’m not going to get into it, because you seem very defensive, which makes me wonder why you’re seeking feedback on a forum in the first place. [name_m]Eric[/name_m] or [name_m]Erik[/name_m] NN [name_f]Aer[/name_f] is fine.