
A girl I know just named her baby this. Thoughts? I think it’s kind of cool, but I do prefer Ainsley.

Well, I assume it is pronounced like [name]Ainsley[/name] just with -lyn at the end rather than -ley. So, it would be AYNZ-lynn (aynz rhyming with gains.) If you don’t like someone’s name choice I would just not react unless asked. If prompted, I would likely say, “Oh, I think the name really works on her. She’s precious.” To sort of flip the conversation around. If she asks flat out, “Really. What do you think of her name?” Then I’d be honest, not brutally, but I’d say it isn’t my style. [name]Just[/name] avoid it and focus on their new baby, I doubt they care what you think of her name anyway.

I agree. I woudln’t bring it up unless you’re specifically asked, and then i’d be gently honest about it.
I’m not overly fond of Ainslyn. I think it sort of looks like they smushed together [name]Ainsley[/name] and Aislynn, both of which i love.
They may have given her the name to honor someone or something, so i woudln’t be too brutal about it if asked. If you have to mention it, you could say that “it’s so unique, how did you come up with it?” That’s sort of a compliment but you’re not acutally lying and saying you love it. If they want to know if you like it, i agree with the previous poster who said to say that it’s just not your style.