We have [name_u]French[/name_u] origins so a name that works in both the USA and in [name_f]France[/name_f] is important. [name_u]Alix[/name_u] is popular in [name_f]France[/name_f], bot not sure Americans will like it (may be annoying to constantly explain [name_u]Alix[/name_u] with an “I” as they will hear [name_u]Alex[/name_u])?
[name_f]Alba[/name_f] works in both countries but I am not sure how [name_f]Alba[/name_f] is perceived in the USA. I see it was somewhat popular a century ago (like [name_f]Alma[/name_f]). [name_m]How[/name_m] do you perceive [name_f]Alba[/name_f]? Does it sound “dated” to you?
I agree about [name_u]Alix[/name_u], I think if I heard it I automatically would think it was [name_u]Alex[/name_u].
[name_f]My[/name_f] first association with [name_f]Alba[/name_f] is actually [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] [name_f]Alba[/name_f], which is not a bad thing at all! I think with names like [name_f]Ada[/name_f] making a comeback [name_f]Alba[/name_f] wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.
I have never met an [name_f]Alba[/name_f] living in the United States. I would probably think it was an unusual choice but the sounds are familiar enough and it’s a simple enough name it probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal. I’ve actually met more than one person in the US named [name_u]Alix[/name_u]! I do think it would be misheard/misspelled as [name_u]Alex[/name_u] a lot, which it definitely was for the people I knew, but it’s definitely not really crazy and I think as long as you/your daughter was willing to occasionally give a minor correction, it would probably be fine.
I really like [name_f]Alba[/name_f]! It’s one I go back and forth on for myself but I’d love to meet one. [name_u]Alix[/name_u] is sweet but I wouldn’t hear a difference between that and [name_u]Alex[/name_u] so you would have to correct spelling a lot. Then again, correcting spelling can be an issue with names as popular as [name_f]Sophia[/name_f] so don’t let that bother you if you decide on [name_u]Alix[/name_u].
[name_f]My[/name_f] vote still goes to [name_f]Alba[/name_f] though
I think [name_f]Alba[/name_f] would work pretty well in the US. People may think it sounds a little feminine, but I doubt it would cause major issues. I could see [name_u]Alix[/name_u] having some trouble in the states.
I prefer [name_f]Alba[/name_f]. I actually used to know an [name_f]Alba[/name_f] who was my own age, so it doesn’t feel dated at all! I’ve never had another encounter with the name, but I think it’s unexpected, yet simplistic, and gorgeous.
I don’t see anything wrong with [name_u]Alix[/name_u]. If we have 14 different ways to spell many other names, why can’t we have 2 ways to spell [name_u]Alex[/name_u] in this country? Especially if the name has meaning to you and is an international spelling of a popularly used name.
Since [name_u]Alex[/name_u] is quite popular/common here I think you’re right- it could become a case of “[name_u]Alex[/name_u] with an I.”
I really like [name_f]Alba[/name_f]. It’s not very common here but falls in line with with trending names in the states like [name_f]Ava[/name_f]/[name_f]Eva[/name_f], [name_f]Ada[/name_f], [name_f]Ella[/name_f], [name_f]Vera[/name_f], [name_f]Nora[/name_f], [name_f]Isla[/name_f], etc.
Turn of the century choices, like [name_f]Alma[/name_f] which you mentioned, are making a comeback here.
I really like both of your name options. I live in the UK, and I know an adult [name_u]Alix[/name_u] and a baby [name_f]Alba[/name_f], and both are beautiful names that “wear” really well in real life.
Unfortunately, yes: in the US (and the UK, actually), [name_u]Alix[/name_u] would probably be perceived as a respelling of [name_u]Alex[/name_u]. And it would certainly be pronounced exactly the same.
It sounds like that might bother you, so I’d go with the lovely [name_f]Alba[/name_f]. It’s sweet, simple, international and never really popular enough in the US to feel particularly old-fashioned now. It’s got a vintagey sort of charm, but definitely feels fresh.
I love [name_f]Alba[/name_f]! I don’t see it as dated at all, it’s not really tied to any generation for me as I don’t know anyone/know of anyone with it as a first name. [name_u]Alix[/name_u] just looks like the parents were trying to making [name_u]Alex[/name_u] “different” to me.
I know an [name_u]Alix[/name_u] and an [name_f]Alyx[/name_f] - neither have had issues as far as I know as once they say the spelling once, it’s remembered.
I also know an [name_f]Alba[/name_f] - I prefer this one
Thanks a lot for all your inputs. It is very helpful.
Regarding [name_f]Alba[/name_f] would you instinctively associate this first name to a specific origin/country? Or would you see it as a rather neutral first name (could be a US person or a foreigner)? Thank you again!
I actually married into the [name_u]Alix[/name_u] with an I name. It is a continual explanation to people that it’s [name_u]Alix[/name_u] with an I… if that seems like it’s waning on you now it likely will as time progresses. I’m kind of just used to it… had a relative just this last week who kept sending packages to the house with the [name_u]Alex[/name_u] spelling and I just comically gave them a heads up. Not cause it bothered me but I just wanted to make sure they knew.
[name_f]My[/name_f] impression on [name_f]Alba[/name_f] is the connection to [name_f]Jessica[/name_f] [name_f]Alba[/name_f]. Which depending on who come in contact with could be a connection you hear from time to time.
As long as either association or correction doesn’t bother you there shouldn’t be an issue it’s more on how these misconceptions and corrections appeal to you over time.
Being Scottish, [name_f]Alba[/name_f] just makes me think of [name_f]Scotland[/name_f] to the extent that I can’t really see it as a name.
I think [name_u]Alix[/name_u] is beautiful, and the spelling isn’t so uncommon. I actually get more of a vintagey vibe from this spelling and know at least two Alixs who don’t seem to have a problem with the spelling.
I prefer [name_f]Alba[/name_f] and don’t see it as dated at all. I know of one [name_f]Alba[/name_f], a little girl (i’m in Australia). It’s a beautiful name!
Answering your knew question, I don’t associate [name_f]Alba[/name_f] with any specific nationality, and would have no preconceptions about a person ethnicity or culture based on the name alone.