I love all 3, but they are very similar! Which is your favorite? I think these work great for everyone.
i love all of them, but i would have to choose arden! i think it has a really cool sound, but the other two have such great meanings!
They are all great names! [name_f]My[/name_f] favorite is [name_u]Arden[/name_u], especially on a girl! I love the sound and it’s a really cool name!
[name_u]Auden[/name_u]! I think nickname [name_u]Audie[/name_u] is really cute, and I like the softer sound.
@rosemary.luella99 “old friend” and “valley of the eagle “ are such fun meanings!
@whimsyberry [name_u]Arden[/name_u] on a girl is sooooo cute
@tallemaja [name_u]Auden[/name_u] has such a beautiful sound, I love how soft it is on a boy
I love [name_u]Auden[/name] on a boy, and [name_u]Arden[/name] on a girl! Both are absolutely adorable
I think [name_u]Arden[/name_u] is the best choice here!
i struggle a bit to say [name_u]Auden[/name_u] and [name_u]Arden[/name_u], so i’ll have to pick [name_u]Alden[/name_u]! it’s the most visually appealing to me, too
ooh, hard choice! as of now I’d choose [name_u]Auden[/name_u] with nn [name_u]Audie[/name_u], probably because of its similarity to [name_u]August[/name_u] which I’m fond of.
I enjoy all three though!
I quite like both [name_u]Arden[/name_u] & [name_u]Auden[/name_u], but I think [name_u]Auden[/name_u] is my favorite — gentle but strong, with a lovely meaning
[name_u]Auden[/name_u] is my favourite, it’s so warm, like these emojis . [name_u]Arden[/name_u] is my second favourite.
I like [name_u]Auden[/name_u], for the poetic vibe, the meaning and the ‘Au’ spelling which looks appealing to me!
[name_u]Alden[/name_u] gets my vote! It feels the most versatile and timeless to me.
Seems like I might be in the minority, but my favorite is [name_u]Alden[/name_u]. All three are great, though.
I like [name_u]Auden[/name_u] best! I think it’s got the nicest sound and has a sweet, gentle vibe. It’s also the most solidly unisex to me, I think it could work equally well on boy or girl, while [name_u]Alden[/name_u] feels solidly male and [name_u]Arden[/name_u] feels feminine-leaning.
I like [name_u]Auden[/name_u] for a boy, especially the nn [name_u]Audie[/name_u]. And I quiet like [name_u]Arden[/name_u] for a girl. [name_u]Alden[/name_u] is not my cup of tea.
[name_u]Alden[/name_u] or [name_u]Auden[/name_u] on a boy, [name_u]Arden[/name_u] on a girl
[name_u]Auden[/name_u] is my favourite, but I like [name_u]Arden[/name_u] too. I really want to like [name_u]Alden[/name_u] but I find it a bit tricky to say.