Alexander and Thomas?

What do you think of twins named [name]Alexander[/name] and [name]Thomas[/name]? They are our two favorite names at the moment, but do they go well together? [name]Do[/name] they go well with [name]Julia[/name], [name]Katherine[/name], and [name]Louisa[/name]? If not, what other names would you suggest?
Thank you,

I quite like both [name]Alexander[/name] & [name]Thomas[/name] and think they make fabulous twin names! [name]Both[/name] classic but nothing alike. I would love these two together even if I didn’t like the names themselves. I think they go equally well with [name]Julia[/name], [name]Katherine[/name] & [name]Louisa[/name]! Altogether the five off them rather sound like excellent sibings.

My only problem with them together is nicknames: [name]Alex[/name] & [name]Tom[/name] sound fine together; comfy cozy & warm. But if [name]Alexander[/name] ends up [name]Lex[/name], [name]Axel[/name], [name]Xander[/name]/[name]Zander[/name] or anything else, he’ll sound zippier & more modern than simple, lovely [name]Tom[/name]. Then again, if they’re simply [name]Alexander[/name] & [name]Thomas[/name] in full, that’s gorgeous too!

[name]Hope[/name] that helps some!